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Future Tour: White Diamonds by Shirley Hailstock

Shirley will be on tour February 25 – March 18 with her novel, White Diamonds.

Sandra Rutledge has been in front of cameras most of her life. She longs for the quiet existence of a university professor. A PhD candidate in mathematics, she’s at the family cabin in the Pocono Mountains when she finds Wyatt Randolph, the missing junior senator from Pennsylvania, bleeding to death on the road. Saving his life puts hers in danger. Attracted to the senator, she’s appalled when he accuses her father of treason. Together they set out to find the truth.

Wyatt Randolph’s best friend was killed for a cache of diamonds. His death set off a chain of events that go all the way to the White House. It’s up to Wyatt to discover what the stones entrusted to him do and why people are willing to kill for them. With the reluctant help of Sandra Rutledge, the daughter of the man Wyatt believes holds the key to the entire project, the two of them fight to find the truth and stay alive in the process.

Please visit CLP Blog Tours for the full tour schedule!

Book Review: Nine Uses for an Ex-Boyfriend by Sarra Manning

I received a copy of Nine Uses for an Ex-Boyfriend by Sarra Manning in exchange for an honest review.

Hope Delafield hasn’t always had an easy life. She has red hair and a temper to match, as her mother is constantly reminding her. She can’t wear heels, is terrified of heights and being a primary school teacher isn’t exactly the job she dreamed of doing, especially when her class are stuck on the two times table. At least Hope has Jack, and Jack is the God of boyfriends. He’s sweet, kind, funny, has a killer smile, a cool job on a fashion magazine and he’s pretty (but in a manly way). Hope knew that Jack was The One ever since their first kiss after the Youth Club Disco and thirteen years later, they’re still totally in love. Totally. They’re even officially pre-engaged. And then Hope catches Jack kissing her best friend Susie…Does true love forgive and forget? Or does it get mad …and get even?
I thought this book was going to be a slam dunk for me. When I first started reading, I was wrapped up in Hope’s world and the drama of what the heck is happening between Jack and Susie. But not even halfway through, things just started going downhill for me. The pace slowed down and everything just seemed very long and drawn-out, and I thought quite a few scenes really didn’t belong in the story. The ending didn’t save it for me either, so just a novel that fell flat for me unfortunately.
[Rating: 2]

CLP Blog Tours Book Review: Mad World: Epidemic by Samaire …

I am excited to kick off Samaire Provost’s tour with CLP Blog Tours for Mad World: Epidemic, because I loved this book! You know you’re in for a treat when literally the first paragraph in the book has you hooked, and that is exactly what happened to me! I didn’t actually realize when I started that the book would be basically about zombies. I haven’t bought into the zombie craze yet – unlike my fiancé – but I never once got worried because I enjoyed the opening so much.
Scientist’s at Stanford University in California have begun examining samples of bone marrow from plague-infected corpses unearthed in Europe – victims from the Black Plague. Somehow the infection gets out and people start getting infected, which leads to an epidemic. Families are evacuated, riots are occurring, and the state of California is in complete panic mode. The main character is seventeen year old Alyssa, who is returning to California from a school trip when they run into the epidemic. After their teacher is infected, the students are left to fend for themselves in a harrowing adventure to try to find their families – and a safe place.
This was a quick read for me even over the busy holidays. I was drawn into the fascinating plot and didn’t want to put the book down. I have the second in the series, Mad World: Sanctuary on my Kindle and am eager to read it and jump back into the story. There are gory parts in the story since it does revolve around zombies, but I didn’t think there was too much or that there were any unnecessary parts. I enjoyed that this was a very high-paced book, always with action going on and never a dull moment. I recommend this and look forward to more!
[Rating: 5]

Future Tour: Work For Hire by Margo Karasek

Margo will be on tour February 18- March 4 with her chick lit novel Work For Hire Tekla’s law school career couldn’t be any better.…

In My Mailbox: Week of December 30

In Samantha’s Mailbox:

savannah pageTitle: When Girlfriends Step Up

Author: Savannah Page

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: A novel about love and support, and learning that with enduring friendships, no woman is ever alone.

Robin Sinclair is young, determined, and has a promising career at a small publishing house in Seattle. Even though she considers herself unlucky in love, Robin still dreams of eventually meeting Mr. Right and having a happily-ever-after kind of life. And at twenty-five, the world of opportunity is wide. But it’s been a difficult year filled with trials…and it’s only just begun.

While long-time friendships are finally on the mend, and things are starting to look up again, Robin is faced with her biggest challenge yet. She’s single and pregnant.

Uncertain now of her future and scared of being alone, Robin must re-examine her life and choices, and summon the courage to step up.

With the love and support of her best girlfriends from college, especially her best friend and roommate, Lara, Robin will learn that when the going gets tough, the best of friends become family. And, perhaps, with their encouragement, Robin can mature and gain the confidence needed to become a single mother. And, who knows about being unlucky in love. Things are suddenly getting interesting with Robin’s attractive co-worker, Bobby.

This is an endearing story about maturity and perseverance. It’s a story about friends coming together as family, about finding the strength within and around, and about writing your own happily-ever-after. About what happens when girlfriends step up.

Alberta ClipperTitle: Alberta Clipper

Author: Sheena Lambert

Received: From Sheena Lambert

Synopsis: Christine Grogan is a beautiful 28-year-old meteorologist with a loving family, great friends and an exciting career working for an international investment bank. So why does she spend every January 20th crying like her heart might break? As everyone around her appears to be moving on with their lives, Christine wears her past like a pair of concrete shoes. Can nothing, or nobody help her shake them?

Mark Harrington thought he had all he ever wanted. Head of the bank’s Irish operations, he has the career, the house and the relationship any 39-year-old would wish for. But when his seemingly perfectly-planned life suddenly strays totally off course, Mark is confronted with the fact that he isn’t actually in control at all…
…and that he is crazy in love with Christine.

Insider trading, rambunctious Christmas parties, overnight conferences, the modern office environment has it all. But it can also be the stage for a simple, modern love story.

ALBERTA CLIPPER is that story.

It is a story of guilt and forgiveness, trust and betrayal.
And absolute, unconditional love.

The story of two people, each floundering in their own lives, who might just be able to save one another.

Love or MoneyTitle: Love or Money?

Author: Carrie Stone

Received: From Carrie Stone

Synopsis: How does a successful, money-driven woman act when her world is turned upside down and her values are brought into question? Felicity Harroway is about to go on a journey. A long distance one.

Housewife and best friend Zara is also about to undertake new changes with a baby on the way. Just not quite in the way she’s expecting. For husband Steve isn’t as honest as he appears…

Can Felicity’s anxious and downtrodden mother Glenda guide both women in the right direction? Will fellow friend Sylvia lead by example and find happiness with her celebrity boyfriend?

Join the four women as they battle with the trials of work and relationships, and begin to question the all important dilemma… Love or Money? Or can you have both?

Title: Caramel Magnolias

Author: Tess Hardwick

Received: From Booktrope

Synopsis: Ten years ago, Cleo Tanner lost her first and only true love in a fateful motorcycle accident and now leads a quiet, isolated life in Seattle. Sylvia, her best friend from college, is trapped in a loveless marriage, blinded by her desire to have a child.

Both women are living passively on the sidelines of life, longing for that which they cannot have..until Cleo has an unexpected encounter with an adoption agency owner just as Sylvia suffers from another failed in-vitro procedure. Not long after, Cleo is approached by a detective because her phone number found at the same location a missing teenage girl was last seen. As the investigation unfolds, both women find their hearts – and lives – at risk.

A toast to friendship, mended hearts, and new beginnings, Caramel Magnolias reminds us it’s never too late to reawaken the heart.

Calling Me HomeTitle: Calling Me Home

Author: Julie Kibler

Received: SheKnows

Synopsis: Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler is a soaring debut interweaving the story of a heartbreaking, forbidden love in 1930s Kentucky with an unlikely modern-day friendship.

Eighty-nine-year-old Isabelle McAllister has a favor to ask her hairdresser Dorrie Curtis. It’s a big one. Isabelle wants Dorrie, a black single mom in her thirties, to drop everything to drive her from her home in Arlington, Texas, to a funeral in Cincinnati. With no clear explanation why. Tomorrow.

Dorrie, fleeing problems of her own and curious whether she can unlock the secrets of Isabelle’s guarded past, scarcely hesitates before agreeing, not knowing it will be a journey that changes both their lives.

Over the years, Dorrie and Isabelle have developed more than just a business relationship. They are friends. But Dorrie, fretting over the new man in her life and her teenage son’s irresponsible choices, still wonders why Isabelle chose her.

Isabelle confesses that, as a willful teen in 1930s Kentucky, she fell deeply in love with Robert Prewitt, a would-be doctor and the black son of her family’s housekeeper–in a town where blacks weren’t allowed after dark. The tale of their forbidden relationship and its tragic consequences makes it clear Dorrie and Isabelle are headed for a gathering of the utmost importance and that the history of Isabelle’s first and greatest love just might help Dorrie find her own way.

Blog Tour Sign Up: Love in Translation by Sara Palacios

Still reeling from an unexpected breakup, Emily nurses her broken heart by spending time with her best friends and taking one-too-many vodka shots. After one long night, she takes a hard look inside herself and doesn’t like what she sees. She realizes that she has sacrificed too much in her failed relationships from the past and vows to never settle for anything less than almost-perfect again. As she picks up the pieces and regains her confidence, a sexy Spanish chef moves in across the hall and knocks her off her feet. What ensues is an unexpected and tantalizing affair that opens her eyes – and her heart – to a whole new world and leaves her feeling sexier than she has ever felt. Emily finally sees how easy love is supposed to be. Is happily-ever-after actually possible? Just when she starts to think so, she realizes that sometimes life gets more complicated before it gets easier. And complicated is an understatement when Steven (her best and oldest friend in the world) confesses his love for her. Everything spirals out of control as Emily must make a choice between love and friendship, and in doing so, possibly risk it all.
LOVE IN TRANSLATION is a modern day love story about following your heart to unexpected places and taking chances in life … because sometimes you will find exactly what you are looking for.

On Tour: A State of Jane by Meredith Schorr

Meredith will be on tour January 2-21 with her chick lit novel A State of Jane Jane Frank is ready to fall in love. It’s…

2012 Favorite Reads: Sara’s Picks

The Tragedy Paper Elizabeth Laban White Jacket Required: A Culinary Coming-of-Age Story Jenna Weber Twelve Months Steven Manchester The Midwife of Hope River: A Novel…

Blog Tour Sign Up: Someone Else’s Fairytale by E.…

Jason Vanderholt is the hottest actor in Hollywood. Chloe Winters is a college student who hasn’t bothered to watch most of his movies. When they meet by chance, he is smitten and she becomes the woman every other woman in America is dying to be, but it just isn’t her fairytale.