Bliss by Danyel Smith

blissBliss by Danyel Smith is a head scratcher. I tried with all my might to finish to the last page, even the last chapter, but only made it as far as Chapter 10. I understand that Smith wants to “write with music” and the book is based on Eva Glenn, a powerful, fierce record executive who may or may not be pregnant with the father unknown, but with every other line quoting music, I just could not follow the plot. The characters, aside from Eva, were not powerful. Not one stood out to me, and I had to constantly go back and try to re-read about the supporting characters in order for me to understand what was happening. And I still couldn’t quite grasp the story. The more I read, the more confused I would become.

If you love music and understand all the jargon and language and jumble, maybe you can get more out of this confusing chick lit novel than I could, but again, with the supporting characters doing nothing, this book is just a lost cause.