Book Excerpt: This Tangled Thing Called Love by Marie Astor

Marie Astor is on tour with CLP Blog Tours and This Tangled Thing Called Love. Please enjoy the excerpt below, check out my 4 star review for the novel, and visit Marie’s tour page on CLP Blog Tours to win some custom jewelry or a gift card!

Claire woke up and rolled over on the other side of the bed – the side where David usually slept when he spent a night at her place. It was Friday morning – she had taken the day off to spend it with David, but after his abrupt departure last night, the day loomed before her with its emptiness.

With a sigh, Claire got up and headed for the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. When David and she first started dating, they would often stay in bed until noon when spending a day together. Afterwards, they would have breakfast and browse through the morning papers. Claire felt something inside her tighten as she thought of those simple, quiet mornings. She loved the sense of dependability and safety that David projected – one could always be sure that David Lawson would make no crazy moves.

So why was it that she was getting a hollow feeling in her stomach now? Could it be that her relationship with David had gotten too routine? Claire frowned, as she realized that she and David had not made love since their engagement. More than three weeks had passed since. Granted, some of it was her own fault – she had been so busy at work that she had not given David much thought in the past few weeks. But David was equally culpable – at times it almost felt that their relationship had become another item on David’s daily agenda, somewhere between morning meetings and client dinners.

In the quietness of the empty kitchen, Claire could hear faint sounds of tango coming from upstairs – the sound of music was barely audible, but Claire could still discern it. No doubt, if David were here with her, she would not have even noticed. But as it were, she heard every whisper of a sound. Claire strained her ears, trying to make out the additional sound she thought she’d heard. There it was – the tapping of dancing feet – two pairs of feet to be precise.

The image of Alec and his rail-thin, blond girlfriend flashed in Claire’s mind with razor-sharp vividness. What was the girl’s name? In any case, it did not really matter now.

 See my 4 star review for This Tangled Thing Called Love!

**Everyone who leaves a comment on Marie’s tour page will be entered in the giveaway! Anyone who purchases their copy of This Tangled Thing Called Love before August 27 and sends their receipt to Samantha (at) ChickLitPlus (dot) com, will get five bonus entries! Five individual winners will receive a piece of jewelry shown above, and one bonus winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card! Please note this is open to US residents only.**

Books by Marie Astor:

Transadonia: Silverboard Rider:

1 Comment

  1. Catherine
    August 25, 2012 / 8:33 am

    4 star review…Love it! It sounds like a fun story…and with tango as a back drop, it can’t go wrong.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com