#BookReview: The Reluctant Psychic by Suzan Saxman

Reviewer: Terry

the reluctant psychicI received a review copy

The Reluctant Psychic is written as a memoir about a woman named Suzan who considers herself a reluctant psychic. Suzan was a troubled child with a hard life growing up; her mother was cruel, her father mostly absent, and she struggled socially. On top of it she believed she saw ghosts and other beings from the other side. Much of her book seemed centered around her childhood troubles and especially her mother issues. Most of her relationships in life seemed to suffer and I can’t help but wonder if it was because of the way she grew up.

Throughout the book Suzan tells stories about reading’s she had performed and many of her experiences with the other side. These were perhaps the most interesting parts of the book and I would have loved to have had more content in that area.

I was sadden to read that throughout the story it never seemed like Suzan grew up when it came to relationships, she seemed determine that everyone was wrong for her and never truly moved past the damage of her childhood. She does seem to have an amazing relationship with animals and nature in general, and you can truly see that seems to be where she belongs.

3 stars

1 Comment

  1. Riley Conradt
    January 31, 2015 / 11:57 am

    Ahh! I love your blog! 🙂