The Pub Across the Pond by Mary Carter

The Pub Across the Pub by Mary Carter follows Carlene Rivers, a reliable young woman living in Cleveland, Ohio. Her mother passed away at a young age, and Carlene helps watch over her father – who is living with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Carlene is someone definitely in need of a break, and that break comes when Carlene wins a raffle – and the prize is a pub on the west coast of Ireland! Carlene packs her bags and hops on the plane, nervous and excited for this new chapter in her life. While in Ireland she meets Ronan McBride, the black sheep of the McBride family who owned the pub Carlene has just won. Ronan places too many gambling bets, and one caused him to lose the pub. Carlene and Ronan try to fight the romance brewing between them, and Carlene tries desperately to fit in with the Irish community.

The Pub Across the Pond wasn’t my favorite book. The prologue had me a bit baffled, and I thought it was a pretty typical romance novel with no real surprises along the way. A decent read, but nothing really popped out at me. Besides the bizarre fact of how Carlene wins a pub – in Ireland. I think I was drawn more to the supporting cast then to Carlene or Ronan, but I did like the bit of mystery that was thrown in. I don’t think this is a bad book, just nothing that really sparked my interest and made me want to keep reading. If you like a sweet romance novel, then I would recommend this book.

[Rating: 3]

1 Comment

  1. Dhana28
    February 28, 2012 / 10:33 am

    Very interesting book! Thanks for the excellent review of the book.. I really want to read it for myself..