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Skinny-Dipping by Claire Matturro

Matturro gives readers a sexy, sassy, determined, and witty heroine, but mixes in just enough legal jargon to make this thriller truly suspenseful. I loved that the villain is not indentified until the very end, as with many mysteries readers can pinpoint them within a few chapters. This aspect ups the intensity and need to keep turning the pages. The plot zips by quickly with a mix of memorable characters, including a depressed Rottweiler and an albino ferret, and they add an ingredient of humor to this enjoyable first novel from Claire Mutturro.

Sheryl J. Anderson

Sheryl J. Anderson always wanted to write a novel. It just took her longer than most to get there. She now has four mystery novels in print, all revolving around Molly Forrester and the Killer series. The four titles are: Killer Heels, Killer Cocktail, Killer Deal, and Killer Riff. All follow a murder (or murders) with the stiletto wearing, cocktail sipping Molly Forrester hot on the trail in efforts to crack the case and write the best story. Each novel is written with the characters leaping from the pages and into your imagination, trying to solve the mystery before even Molly can.

Killer Heels by Sheryl J. Anderson

Are you a Sex in the City fan? Of course I am, and the moment I began reading Killer Heels by Sheryl J. Anderson I felt that I was transported right onto the set. Our heroine, Molly Forrester, is a replica of Carrie Bradshaw, a sassy Manhattan journalist with an ambition to move up from her so-so advice columnist position (“You Can Tell Me”), two girlfriends with night and day personalities, and of course: a love of expensive designer shoes. The cover alone was enough to lure me to pick up this book, with nothing but legs and pink stilettos resting above the New York skyline.