The Twelve Days to Christmas by Michele Gorman

I received a copy of The Twelve Days to Christmas in exchange for an honest review. Michele Gorman’s novels have delighted me, so I was super excited to be reviewing her latest, and another in the Hannah series – The Twelve Days to Christmas. It was great to catch up with Hannah and company again, including Hannah’s boyfriend, Sam. The big dilemma is that Hannah believes Sam is going to propose to her – why else would he be flying from Hong Kong back to the States with her to meet her parents? This is what Hannah’s always wanted – to be Sam’s wife. Or is it? With the countdown to Christmas and flying home to see her family on, Hannah has to dig deep to figure out what she really wants.

Great read! Light, fast, fun – and I adored the ending. It was fabulous to see Hannah starting to find her footing in her relationship with Sam. She finally understood that she could show him she wasn’t as adventurous as he was, and maybe everything would  still be okay. There were a lot of little sub-plots going on as well that kept things moving along and interesting, and I would definitely recommend Michele Gorman and her novels to chick lit lovers!

[Rating: 4.5]

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  1. Samantha
    October 17, 2012 / 9:23 pm

    Hope you enjoy it 🙂

  2. October 18, 2012 / 3:10 am

    Thanks so much Samantha, glad you liked it! It was such a fun little book to write, that now I’m hooked on novellas 🙂