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Kate Middleton is Expecting!

Fabulous news out of the Royal Family today! It was so funny – I was chatting on the phone with my mom about how the rumors are really swirling about Kate Middleton being pregnant, and I logged onto to see their breaking news – Prince William and Duchess Kate are expecting! This is the statement shared: “Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are very pleased to announce that The Duchess of Cambridge is expecting a baby. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall and Prince Harry and members of both families are delighted with the news. The Duchess was admitted this afternoon to King Edward VII Hospital in Central London with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. As the pregnancy is in its very early stages, Her Royal Highness is expected to stay in hospital for several days and will require a period of rest thereafter.”
I have been one that is obsessed with William and Kate – I loved staying up to watch their wedding and find Kate to be a top-notch role model to young girls, and of course – her classic fashion sense. No due date was announced, but I’m sure much of the world – myself included – will be watching and waiting anxiously!

Pre-Order The Green Ticket!

My second novel, The Green Ticket, will be for sale on December 5, but I am giving readers a chance to pre-order their book now…

CLP Blog Tours: Kim Strickland Guest Post

Thanks to Kim for stopping by with a guest post for CLP’s For Writers section! Please visit her tour page at CLP Blog Tours for…

Challenge 2012:Post Reviews:December

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Prize for December: One (1) winner will receive a print copy of The Green Ticket by Samantha March (open to US/Canada residents only) and two (2) winners will receive an eBook print copy of The Green Ticket by Samantha March ​(available worldwide). In order to qualify, you must post the link to your review in the Mister Linky below. This can be to your blog, GoodReads page, or other sources such as Amazon.

In My Mailbox: Week of December 2

In Samantha’s Mailbox:

Title: Mad World: Sanctuary

Author: Samaire Provost

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: The year is 2017, and the Black Plague infection has swept across most of the United States, leaving death and chaos in its wake. Martial law is the rule rather than the exception, with outbreaks cropping up when they’re least expected. Alyssa and her friends must not only battle outbreaks of the disease, but also find themselves pursued by government agents – men and women determined to track them down at any cost. Fleeing north to the fabled Sanctuary, Alyssa, Jacob, DeAndre, Caitlyn, Risa and Luke face disturbing ordeals and terrible tragedy as they encounter unbelievable situations in their struggle to reach safety. Using their skills and wits in their fight to survive against ever worsening odds, they weather hardship, betrayal, and the ever-present specter of death as they flee north, all the while vowing to protect one another – and most of all their precious 5-year-old Luke, from a world gone mad. Sanctuary, the second installment in the Mad World series, is a heart-rending adventure of astonishing revelations, tragic discoveries, agonizing separations and devastating losses that test these friends to their limits. With heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat suspense at every turn, this is a story you will not be able to put down. Find out what happens next.

Title: In Search of a Love Story

Author: Rachel Schurig

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: Emily Donovan doesn’t have a romantic bone in her body.

At least, that’s what her friends Ryan and Ashley keep telling her. They’re convinced her bad luck with men is directly related to her life-long lack of interest in all things romantic. When Emily’s latest relationship crashes and burns, she decides to go along with her friends’ plans for a romance research project. Sure, the idea that she’ll have better luck if she learns about the great romances of literature and film seems a little silly, but Emily figures it can’t hurt.

In no time at all, Emily finds herself buried under a mountain of romance novels, chick flicks, and sappy love songs, hopeful that her hard work will pay off with true love. When she meets Greg, Ashley and Ryan are convinced she’s found prince charming—after all, he’s rich, handsome, and totally into Emily. What more could she want? And why does it seem that her friend Elliot isn’t exactly happy for her?

Faced with misunderstandings, miscommunications, and a seemingly endless string of missteps, she is nevertheless determined to give true love a try. In doing so, Emily will eventually find that true romance, the kind that lasts, has little to do with stereotypes or clichés, and everything to do with finding out what’s in her own heart.

This is book #1 of the Love Story series. Don’t miss the sequel, An Unexpected Love Story, out in December 2012!

Title: Totlandia, Book 1

Author: Josie Brown

Received: From Aimee @ Colioquy

Synopsis: The Pacific Heights Moms & Tots Club is the most exclusive children’s playgroup in all of San Francisco. For the city’s ultra-competitive elite, the club’s ten annual spots are the ultimate parenting prize.

But not everyone is PHM&TC material. The club’s founder, Bettina Connaught Cross, adheres to strict membership rules: Moms only. No single parents or working mothers allowed. Membership is an arduous commitment. And there’s no room in the club for scandal, bad behavior, or imperfection…from tots or their moms.

In a world of power and prestige, no one has more than Bettina. And as every mom in Pacific Heights knows, you simply cannot cross her. But this year’s admissions process is more rigorous than ever, pitting prospective members against each other to prove their mettle.

But four of the six candidates vying for the remaining four slots have a secret that would knock them out of the running. Jade is a former stripper and porn actress, who has been absent for most of her son’s life. Jillian’s husband cleaned out their joint accounts and left her for his pregnant assistant. Ally never even had a husband—just a sperm donor—and she’s hiding a high-ranking corporate job. And Lorna fears that her son may have special needs… just the excuse her sister-in-law, Bettina, needs to deny her entry to the club.

Can these hopeful moms keep up appearances long enough to outlast the competition? Or will their chances—and their private lives—go up in flames?

This is the first of four books that follow our heroines during “the Onesies,” their inaugural year in the club. Upcoming books—to be released in four episodes each year—will follow subsequent years: the Twosies, Threesies, Foursies, and Fivesies.

Friendship. Lies. Seduction. Betrayal. Welcome to Totlandia.

In Sara’s Mailbox:

Title: The Tragedy Paper

Author: Elizabeth Laban

Received: Emily @ Engel Man & Co

Synopsis: Perfect for fans of Thirteen Reasons Why and Looking for Alaska, The Tragedy Paper has been called “a beguiling and beautifully written tale of first love and heartbreak,” by #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer Weiner.

It follows the story of Tim Macbeth, a seventeen-year-old albino and a recent transfer to the prestigious Irving School, where the motto is “Enter here to be and find a friend.” A friend is the last thing Tim expects or wants—he just hopes to get through his senior year unnoticed. Yet, despite his efforts to blend into the background, he finds himself falling for the quintessential “It” girl, Vanessa Sheller, girlfriend of Irving’s most popular boy. To Tim’s surprise, Vanessa is into him, too, but she can kiss her social status goodbye if anyone ever finds out. Tim and Vanessa begin a clandestine romance, but looming over them is the Tragedy Paper, Irving’s version of a senior year thesis, assigned by the school’s least forgiving teacher.

Jumping between viewpoints of the love-struck Tim and Duncan, a current senior about to uncover the truth of Tim and Vanessa, The Tragedy Paper is a compelling tale of forbidden love and the lengths people will go to keep their secrets.

Title: Goodnight, Brian

Author: Steven Manchester

Received: Lou @ Story Plant

Synopsis: Fate was working against little Brian Mauretti. The food that was meant to nourish him was poisoning him instead, and the doctors said the damage was devastating and absolute. Fate had written off Brian. But fate didn’t count on a woman as determined as Brian’s grandmother, Angela DiMartino – who everyone knew as Mama. Loving her grandson with everything she had, Mama endeavored to battle fate. Fate had no idea what it was in for.

An emotional tale about the strength of family bonds, unconditional love, and the perseverance to do our best with the challenging gifts we receive, GOODNIGHT, BRIAN is an uplifting tribute to what happens when giving up is not an option.

Breaking the Rules Swag Bag Giveaway!

Marching Ink is hosting the Breaking the Rules swag bag giveaway during the month of November! Below are the details, including all the ways you…

Beauty Review: Bed Head Control Freak Serum

Yes, yes, frizzy hair, blah, blah, blah. I feel like when I start each beauty review that has to do with hair I state that I am a frizz-ball. A new product I have tried recently is from the Bed Head line. A girlfriend uses many of these products and swears by them, so I thought I’d give it a whirl. I picked up the Control Freak serum. My first thought – this is a fairly inexpensive bottle when you realize how much product you are getting. I have been using this a few times a week for about two months now, and it looks like I’ve barely put a dent in it. My second thought – I really like this serum. It works best for me straight out of the shower and before I blow dry. The frizz is decreased and my hair is shiny, which is clearly fab. I’ve tried this before on dry hair (as instructions say can use on wet or dry hair) and the result is not as fab. It mostly just feels like glop in my hair and does not look good at all. This is one I would recommend for wet hair – and I like the smell too!
[Rating: 4]