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Future Tour: Mad World: Sanctuary by Samaire Provost

Samaire will be on tour January 28- February 11 with her YA/paranormal novel Mad World: Sanctuary The year is 2017, and the Black Plague infection…

Dizzy: A Fictional Memoir by Arthur Wooten

I was provided with a review copy of Dizzy: A Fictional Memoir by Arthur Wooten in exchange for an honest review.

Dizzy: A Fictional Memoir by Arthur Wooten follows Angie Styles, a beloved Broadway star, living the dream. At the height of her career, things start to happen to her and she starts to feel things she has never felt before. When the symptoms continue, she seeks medical help and is told that she has a mysterious disease that will be a part of her life, quite possibly until she dies. With the prognosis looming over her head, she is forced to reexamine her life and the people who are a part of it.

I was taken aback when I first started reading the tale of Angie Styles and her inner ear balance disorder. I had never heard of anything like that before and it was heartbreaking to watch as Angie dealt with it and how it greatly impacted not only her life, but her career. This story was definitely entertaining and I think it did a great job at shining light on an unknown disorder that many are not familiar with. I’ve always loved Arthur’s character development and this one shines in that department. Overall, a very good read.

[Rating: 4/5]

Diners, Dives & Dead Ends by Terri L. Austin

I was provided a copy of Diners, Dives & Dead Ends by Terri L. Austin by CLP Blog Tours.

Diners, Dives & Dead Ends by Terri L. Austin is the first mystery novel in the Rose Strickland series and it is a perfect combination of mystery and chick lit. Rose, our main character is a waitress (hence the book title) and is also working her way through school as a part time student. Her best friend and closest confident in the world Axton goes missing one day and what ensues is a mysterious ride. When he doesn’t show up after quite some time, Rose caves and puts herself on the case. Just when she thinks she might have it cracked it turns out that she is being watched by the bad guy, who also happens to be super sexy. Bad and sexy? Not a great combination yet Rose finds herself quite intrigued.

I had so much fun reading this book and am so glad that Terri gave me the opportunity to do so. I loved watching Rose become a sleuth and dive deep into the mysterious disappearance of her best friend. I flipped through the pages quickly in order to find out what would happen next and I must say, I was NOT disappointed. This book is fantastic and I absolutely loved the plot twist – I most definitely did not see that one coming. I cannot wait until the sequel. Overall, a really great mystery/chick-lit that is quite the joyous ride!

[Rating: 4.5/5]

Book Review: Totlandia: The Onesies, Book 2

I received a copy of Totlandia: The Onesies, Book 2 in exchange for an honest review. I gave 5 stars to the first book in this series, and was more than happy to dive into the second. The story picks right back up and finally answered the burning question of who Madame Ovary is. More secrets are uncovered along the way, as the probationary moms (and dad!) try to win their spot in the coveted Pacific Heights Moms & Tots Club. Some of what is revealed had my jaw hitting the floor, and I was once again riveted by this tale of scandal, friendship, and parenthood from Josie Brown. I hope book three in the series is here soon!
[Rating: 5]

Future Tour: SkinnyTinis by Teresa Marie Howes

Teresa will be on tour January 28-February 11 with SkinnyTinis More than 70 ways to enjoy cocktail hour–without worrying about the caloriesFor people watching their…

CLP Blog Tours: Guest Post from Charlotte Henley Babb

Charlotte Henley Babb is on tour now with CLP Blog Tours and Maven Fairy Godmother: Through the Veil. Please visit her tour page for more…

The Tragedy Paper by Elizabeth Laban

The Tragedy Paper by Elizabeth Laban is a riveting page turner that tells the tale of a deep and harrowing first love and heartbreak. 17…

Book Review: Cliffhanger by Amy Saunders

I received a copy of Cliffhanger by Amy Saunders in exchange for an honest review. Let me just start by saying I love the cover; it’s so cute! The setting is Portside, Rhode Island and our MC is Belinda Kittridge. Belinda doesn’t expect to be thrown into a murder mystery, but that is exactly what happens when a classmate ends up dead and someone seems out to get Belinda herself. Is the murder connected with a death of a friend years prior? Belinda meets security expert Bennett Tate to help solve the mystery, and a few sparks fly between the two. But is Belinda safe in Portside, or is a murderer out to get her?
I really enjoyed this story, and had troubles putting it down. Belinda is a fun heroine, someone who comes from money and a well-known name but not a snob by any means. The relationship she has with her twin brother was fun to read about, as well as her friendships in town. The murder-mystery aspect had me on my toes, but sometimes I didn’t feel like the characters sensed that urgency, which was only the head scratcher I found. I enjoyed the romance between Belinda and Bennett, and I was excited to learn this is the first in a series. I will look forward to the second book!
[Rating: 4.5]

On Tour: Mad World: Epidemic by Samaire Provost

Samaire will be on tour December 31- January 14 with her novel Mad World: Epidemic The Black Plague is ancient history. It killed 100 million…