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In My Mailbox: Week of December 16

In Samantha’s Mailbox:

Title: Work For Hire

Author: Margo Karasek

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: Tekla’s law school career couldn’t be any better. She has top grades. She’s on Law Review. She’s a frontrunner in a mock oral argument with a sweet prize: a judicial clerkship. One problem, though: Tekla has no more money to pay for school. She needs a part-time job. Fast.

Luckily, her roommate has just the solution: help two uber-wealthy prep school teens, the twin son and daughter of a billionaire Wall Street short-seller and a world-renowned model turned fashion photographer, with their schoolwork, and earn $150 an hour. Plus, enjoy an additional perk on the job, in the form of a gorgeous photo assistant who happens to have his eye on Tekla.

Easy money.

Well, not so much. Within days, Tekla’s job begins to unravel. In a world of super-wealth and high fashion, Tekla finds herself surrounded by a peculiar cast of players: two teens whose self-destructive behavior becomes ever more erratic, a father whose ambitions for his son constantly test Tekla’s notions of what is fair and ethical and what is cheating, a mother whose emotional negligence borders on abuse, and a gorgeous man who may or may not be what he appears.

As Tekla struggles to hold onto a job that takes more time and energy than she ever anticipated, her own school life begins to suffer. She makes an enemy of a professor who seems to want nothing more than to bring her down. And he’s succeeding. Soon Tekla’s life is a paradox: without her high paying part-time job, she can’t afford law school; but with it, she’ll surely flunk out of school.

Title: Next Year I’ll Be Perfect

Author: Laura Kilmartin

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: Sarah always thought her life was on track, that is until her 29th birthday party. The discovery of a list her younger self put together outlining what she wanted to achieve by the age of 30 turns Sarah’s world upside down. Suddenly her seemingly happy life and career look lackluster and Sarah sets off on a journey to transform her life. On her quest to achieve perfection one month at a time – a happy marriage, partnership in a law firm and being able to fit in a size six purple suede miniskirt – Sarah learns to challenge society’s ideals of achievement.

Filled with harsh reality, humor, and romance, Next Year I’ll Be Perfect explores what true happiness and success is all about.

Title: The Wisdom of Hair

Author: Kim Boykin

Received: Via CLP Blog Tours

Synopsis: “The problem with cutting your own hair is that once you start, you just keep cutting, trying to fix it, and the truth is, some things can never be fixed. The day of my daddy’s funeral, I cut my bangs until they were the length of those little paintbrushes that come with dime-store watercolor sets. I was nine years old. People asked me why I did it, but I was too young then to know I was changing my hair because I wanted to change my life.”

In 1983, on her nineteenth birthday, Zora Adams finally says goodbye to her alcoholic mother and their tiny town in the mountains of South Carolina. Living with a woman who dresses like Judy Garland and brings home a different man each night is not a pretty existence, and Zora is ready for life to be beautiful.

With the help of a beloved teacher, she moves to a coastal town and enrolls in the Davenport School of Beauty. Under the tutelage of Mrs. Cathcart, she learns the art of fixing hair, and becomes fast friends with the lively Sara Jane Farquhar, a natural hair stylist. She also falls hard for handsome young widower Winston Sawyer, who is drowning his grief in bourbon. She couldn’t save Mama, but maybe she can save him.

As Zora practices finger waves, updos, and spit curls, she also comes to learn that few things are permanent in this life–except real love, lasting friendship, and, ultimately… forgiveness.

Title: The Pollyanna Plan

Author: Talli Roland

Received: From Talli Roland

Synopsis: Is finding true love as easy as an attitude change?

Thirty-something Emma Beckett has always looked down on ‘the glass is half full’ optimists, believing it’s better to be realistic than delusional. But when she loses her high-powered job and fiancé in the same week, even Emma has difficulty keeping calm and carrying on.

With her world spinning out of control and bolstered by a challenge from her best friend, Emma makes a radical decision. From here on in, she’ll behave like Pollyanna: attempting to always see the upside, no matter how dire the situation.

Can adopting a positive attitude give Emma the courage to build a new life, or is finding the good in everything a very bad idea?

In Sara’s Mailbox:

Title: My Bluegrass Baby

Author: Molly Harper

Received: Jillian @ Simon and Schuster

Synopsis: Sadie Hutchins loves her job at the Kentucky Tourism Commission. Not only could her co-workers double as the cast of Parks & Recreation, but she loves finding the unusual sites, hidden gems, and just-plain-odd tourist attractions of her home state. She’s a shoo-in for the director’s job when her boss retires at the end of the year…until hotshot Josh Vaughn shows up to challenge her for the position.

Josh is all sophisticated polish while Sadie’s country comfort, and the two have very different ideas of what makes a good campaign. So when their boss pits them against each other in a winner-takes-all contest, they’re both willing to fight dirty if it means getting what they want. But it turns out, what Josh and Sadie want could be each other—and Josh’s kisses are the best Kentucky attraction Sadie’s found yet!

GIVEAWAY: The Pollyanna Plan by Talli Roland

Thirty-something Emma Beckett has always looked down on ‘the glass is half full’ optimists, believing it’s better to be realistic than delusional. But when she…

On Tour: Sparkle by Cara Alwill Leyba

Cara will be on tour December 17-January 7 with her novel Sparkle As women, we have become professional self-critics. We’ve become so convinced by society…

Book Review: Mistletoe in Manhattan by Talli Roland

I received a copy of Mistletoe in Manhattan by Talli Roland in exchange for an honest review.
This was a super cute novella that put me right in the holiday mood. Holly West is the daughter of Christmas party-planners, but she doesn’t seem to bring the same cheer and festive spirit as her parents. In fact, quite the opposite. When Holly gets an offer to travel across the pond and throw a British-themed party for TV star Dean Layton in Manhattan, she thinks this could be the opportunity to open doors and get away from only planning Christmas parties. But with a snooty assistant and too many over-the-top requests from a B-list celebrity, Holly wonders if this is the life she truly wants. When a blooming romance finds bumpy ground, Holly also is forced to take a look at herself and what she really wants in life.
Sometimes I can struggle with novella’s, but I really enjoyed this one. It was a quick treat that I found sweet to read and left me wishing for more. I was surprised at how much I could connect with Holly in such a short time, and I recommend this cute novella for chick lit fans. There is also a sneak peak at Roland’s next full-length novel included – and The Pollyanna Plan is coming up on my to-read list!
[Rating: 4]

Blog Tour Sign Up: Bring Me Back by Karen Booth

Music critic Claire Abby is a single mom dreading her daughter’s departure for college and worried that turning forty will leave her career running on fumes. She’s floored when she lands a Rolling Stone cover story on 80s British rock legend Christopher Penman. She spent her teenage years fantasizing he was her boyfriend.
In person, Christopher is everything Claire feared he’d be—charming, witty and unwilling to address the rumors he’s dodged for a decade. Still, she contains her adolescent fantasies and manages to earn his trust, unearthing the truth and the devastating secret behind it. His blockbuster story is her first priority when she returns home, a nearly impossible task when Christopher starts calling and flirting. She knows she should maintain a professional distance. She knows she should focus on the story. She knows it would be best to simply walk away. But how can she say “no” to the man she could never forget?
“Fast-paced, sexy and altogether irresistible, Bring Me Back is made all the more appealing by Karen Booth’s inside knowledge of the music industry. A flat-out fabulous read!”–Celia Rivenbark, New York Times Bestselling author

Beauty Review: Moroccan Oil

After having my first baby in May, my hair has definitely gone through quite a transformation. The days of lush and full locks are long gone and now I have frail and thin hair. I know I know, all of these things are typical after pregnancy, but I still wasn’t prepared and I had the HARDEST time when my hair started to fall out. And boy, did it ever. When I couldn’t take it any longer, I went online and looked up products and read countless reviews. I tried a few products here and there but nothing really seemed to help. That is, until I had a friend recommend Moroccan Oil and I gave it a whirl. This stuff literally changed my life. I feel like it restored the shine and softness and helped strengthen every strand. A miracle worker to the fullest, I highly recommend this product. Now, be careful though because you only need a tiny drop or else you will look like you haven’t showered in days. Other than that, it will heal your hair and restore life back into your roots. I will continue to use this product every day.

An Altered Ending by Megan Trennett

I received a copy of An Altered Ending by Megan Trennett in exchange for an honest review.

Altered Ending by Megan Trennett follows Ellen Mitchell, who is on the brink of a life crisis. Ellen never thought her life would end up the way that it has. She is close to turning thirty and has her hands full with dealing with her mother’s terminal cancer. All in all, she has nothing to look forward to. But, that all changes one fateful day when she gets an email from a former professor offering to help guide her as a writer. But, things aren’t that easy because their relationship has always been complicated. Ellen wonders whether now is the time to tell him the things that she always hid or is it too late? Or will she let him slip through her fingers once again.

At first, I wasn’t quite sure what to think about Altered Ending. Ellen is quite the downer in the beginning and things don’t really start to pick up from her until her former fling comes back into the picture. I think it is only human to struggle with wanting more in life and I honestly felt for Ellen throughout most of the book. For a lack of better terms, she definitely has her hands full and I think it is fate’s way of stepping in and bringing a love interest. Ironically though, it is one from the past. Overall, this book is a quality read and I definitely enjoyed it. After all, complicated relationships make for the best stories.

[Rating: 4/5]

150 Pounds by Kate Rockland

I received a copy of 150 Pounds in exchange for an honest review.
In the fast paced life of blogging, two women stand out: Alexis Allbright, of Skinny Chick, and Shoshana Weiner, who writes Fat and Fabulous. Both have over five million loyal readers. Both are hungry for success. But the similarities stop there.
With over 100 pounds on the scale separating them, weight isn’t their only difference. Alexis is a loner who is so bitchy the only person who can stand her company is her gay best friend Billy. She gives neurotic New Yorkers a run for their money with her strict daily workout routine, and weighing of food. Shoshana is Alexis’s opposite. Living in Jersey with rowdy roommates, she is someone who “collects friends,” as her mother puts it; and treasures a life of expanding circles…and waistlines.
When both appear as panelists on a popular talk show, their lives intersect in ways neither could have imagined. In turns comedic, heartwarming–and familiar to any woman who’s ever stepped on a scale–Alexis and Shoshana realize they have far more in common than either could have possibly imagined, and more importantly, something to offer.
My Review:
What a fabulous read! On first glance I fell in love with the cover, and after reading the blurb, I knew this was a must-read for me. And now I am making it a must-read for you! I love the term smart chick lit, and I feel that 150 Pounds is definitely that. Kate Rockland has a terrific voice and writing style, and as a blogger myself, I could immediately identify with her characters. I thought it was fascinating to get inside both Alexis and Shoshana’s minds and see why they think the way they do and what is behind their actions. I thought this novel brought humor, a resounding message, and a way for women to have more confidence after reading. I loved it!
[Rating: 5]

Pass the Hot Stuff by Dana Page

Dana Page is on tour now with Pass the Hot Stuff and CLP Blog Tours.

Pass the Hot Stuff by Dana Page confronts the often asked question of “safe vs. sexy” in terms of men, and who should a woman choose. Blythe Townsend is in desperate need of something saucy. But, her current beau is so immersed in work that she can’t seen to get him to notice her, or the fact that she is in “need” of something. She is determined to make it work with her boyfriend because he is safe and reliable, even though she secretly covets something, or someone, with a little more pizazz. But, when she spots a sexy stranger around town, her eye and her libido start to wonder. Hesitant yet curious, she digs a little deeper and really has to question which is better. Safe and reliable? Or sexy and the chance at getting hurt?

I loved this book the moment I read the title and I was pretty sure that I knew what I was getting myself into, and luckily, I was right. This book is an absolute hoot and I think Dana is quite witty and hilarious as an author. This first time author brings the laughter, the tears and the real honesty that some girls face in a relationship and I can’t wait to see what Dana offers in her next novel. Overall, a very fun read with a charming cast of characters in a quaint setting in New Orleans. I loved this story from the get go and I think you will too.

[Rating: 4.5/5]