Mary Indiana by Anneke Campbell

I am happy to be kicking of Anneke Campbell’s CLP Blog Tour for Mary Indiana! I found a lot of humor in this book, and kept thinking what a genius Campbell was for this plot concept. I wondered if it would be kind of a cheesy read, trying to teach the story of Mary and the virgin birth of Jesus, but it wasn’t that way at all. It was a very modern tale of young girl who gets pregnant somehow even though she is a virgin, and the people who decide to help her. Some wonder if this is the new Mary, if the second coming is truly on the brink of happening. Others wonder if it’s a sign that 2012 will bring the end of the world as we know it. Others simply call it a miracle. But what is the true story behind the girl dubbed Mary and her stunning situation – a true miracle – or something else?

Again, I found this book to be very funny, nothing real religious or cheesy that I thought it could be, and a very interesting plot that had me thinking (and laughing) after I closed the book. I compared it to how the media seems to run our world – how they can take a story and just run with it (cough, A-Rod not playing in the playoffs, this Honey Boo Boo phenom, cough). News of Mary spread fast and everyone had their own take on it. Parents came forward trying to claim Mary as their child, the possibility of aliens in the midst was there, and the use of blogs and social media heightened this “miracle.” I think this is a book to check out so you can form your own opinion on Mary’s story, and hopefully get a few chuckles!

[Rating: 4]

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  1. October 22, 2012 / 10:53 am

    What a great review! Thanks so much–I’m Anneke’s publisher, and I had all those same original reactions, and later ended up feeling just as you did–that it was a very original, very funny story, and Annekes really kind of a genius the way she pulled it off. Thanks again–Julie

  2. Samantha
    October 22, 2012 / 12:18 pm

    Thanks Julie! Definitely one for others to check out too 🙂

  3. October 26, 2012 / 12:48 pm

    I had similar first impressions after reading the descripition. Your review has pushed me over the hump of “this sounds awesome!” and I think I will now have to give this book a looksie! 🙂

  4. Samantha
    October 27, 2012 / 12:14 pm

    that’s great Lisa, so happy my review helped 🙂