Pushover by Laurel Mayer

Sometimes, I get frustrated with myself when I begin to write a review on a book that I didn’t love only to find out that all the other reviews are glowing. This is the case with Pushover by Laurel Mayer. While I did like the book, I didn’t love it and can’t give it a five star review. The story follows Dani Wilder as she opens her first restaurant – in a location where a woman was allegedly pushed to her death. By Dani’s boyfriend’s former fiancée. When Dani finds out about this past lover, whom Jack has never mentioned, she begins to wonder if he is really over her and more so – did she really do it? When Rebecca sweeps back into town, she begins to spin her own web of lies and manipulate her way back into Jack’s good graces. How will Dani make it unscathed through all the drama, and can her restaurant and dream be a success?

While I thought I could love the plot and I’m all for a good mystery, this book just fell a little flat for me. I thought the writing was a bit slow and sometimes I just didn’t have that spark to keep reading. I’m really bummed too because like I said I enjoy the mystery aspects in a book, and I love reading about food. The parts that slowed me down were the flashbacks with Vic and Melinda. I thought they were a bit much. I could easily tell that Vic was highly in love with Melinda and that something devastating had happened, but all the pages of back story was just not necessary in my opinion. Jack’s character confused me a bit at times too – I couldn’t always tell what Dani saw in him – but Rebecca was great. In an evil way, of course. Her character is one that you will just hate, but need to keep reading about. Overall, I had a good time reading Pushover, but it’s not a favorite of mine. I think flashbacks can really make or break a story, and in my opinion it broke it for this one. But, I could tell that Mayer does have some great writing skills, and I will definitely check her out again!

[Rating: 3.5]


  1. December 17, 2011 / 1:21 am

    I knew you wouldn’t love the flashbacks. I didn’t either. I thought they were too much and went on for too long, but I do agree that Laurel has writing talent. I think she has a lot of potential.

  2. Samantha
    December 22, 2011 / 3:41 am

    I’m glad you agree with me on the flashbacks! Definitely though- can’t wait to read more from her!