Charming Tuesday: A Beauty Favorite & Giveaway

Chick Lit Plus is kicking off a fabulous new feature called “Charming Tuesday” on our website. Every Tuesday, we will choose a beauty product and narrow down our absolute favorites, often times featuring a giveaway of one (or two) of our beauty “must-have’s”. So, check back every Tuesday to see which products make the cut.

Charming Tuesday Product Of The Week: MASCARA

Samantha’s Must-Have:

I started using Maybelline mascara when I first started college. It’s been my go-to mascara since. I love to try out other products, always searching for that gem, but a particular Maybelline mascara will always be in my bag. I love the ones that feature a double brush, one side being the microfiber base coat, and the other side the mascara. The one that I am currently addicted to is the Maybelline XXL Curlpower. It makes my lashes longer and really lasts throughout the night, coming off only once I use my makeup remover. I haven’t found a mascara yet to top this one!



A good runner up that I’ve found is from Too Faced. I’m a big fan of the Too Faced brand, and own many of their products. The mascara that I really love is the Too Faced Lash Injection. It has a 3-D formula that builds tubes around the lashes, making them look longer and fuller. And it’s the truth! When I take off this mascara at night, the little tubes come off. It’s pretty neat to see something really working. I also always have this mascara in my makeup bag!


Sara’s Must-Have:

I am without-a-doubt a beauty product connoisseur; I read reviews online, engulf myself in “the best-of-the-best” lists in magazines, and spend too much time browsing the beauty aisles when I am out and about. The reason why is because I am always searching … searching for the next “must-have” in my beauty arsenal. I have found a few new additions over the years, but none of them have ever been Mascara. I have used Maybelline Great Lash in Blackest Black since I started really wearing makeup when I was fourteen. I have deviated some here and there, lured by advertising for a new product that promises a “thicker, fuller lash”, but nothing has ever come close. By far, Maybelline Great Lash is hands down my absolute favorite and an absolute beauty must-have of mine.


In honor of our launch of this new feature, Chick Lit Plus will be giving away one Maybelline Great Lash in Blackest Black. Please leave a comment below and tell us what your all-time favorite mascara is and we will select a winner at random by 8:00pm Thursday evening.




  1. April 3, 2012 / 12:32 pm

    Maybelline Great Lash. I’ve tried a ton, but this one works great and is cheap!

  2. Sharon Castaneda
    April 3, 2012 / 1:00 pm

    I have tried many different brands of mascara and my ‘tried and true’ has to be Maybelline Great Lash. It performs better than the more expensive brands.

  3. Courtney
    April 4, 2012 / 12:27 am

    I haven’t been able to find a mascara I am absolutely in love with but lately my go to mascara has been Covergirl Lashast Volume Blasting Mascara

  4. April 4, 2012 / 12:34 am

    I have totally sensitive eyes so after lots of trial and error I now use Cover Girl Lash Blast Volume

  5. April 5, 2012 / 9:26 pm

    I love trying new mascaras, but my tried and true is Cover Girl Professional. It never leave flakes.