Title: The Adulthood Author:Lori Goldson Genre: New Adult Release Day Blitz: November 22 About the Book New from Lori Goldson, the author of the four-star rated…
About the Book Homemaker Ella Casey is circling the middle-age drain. Her once adventurous life is now measured in loads of laundry, her grand dreams…
About the Book Art gallerist Sarah Paige’s world is crumbling. One daughter barely speaks to her and the other is off the rails. Sarah is…
Reviewer: Samantha I received an advance reading copy of this book and am voluntarily reading it Summary: Dr. Nikhil ‘Nic’ Joshi had it all—marriage, career,…
Title: The Christmas Surprise Author: Samantha March Genre: Holiday Novella Features Available: Release Day Post, Review, Excerpt Format Available: ARC Kindle, ePub, PDF Release Day Blitz: November 1 About…
About the Book New from Lori Goldson, the author of the four-star rated novel Irene in College: The Life & Times Series, book 1, comes…
Reviewer: Samantha I received a review copy Summary: Michele’s lack of focus in life hasn’t bothered her, until the day she finds herself with mounting…
Title: A Date With Desire Author: Heather McGovern Genre: Contemporary Romance Features Available: Review, Excerpt Format Available: PDF Tour Time Frame: Mid-Late December About the Book Nestled…
About WHO WE WERE BEFORE Zoe knows that it wasn’t really her fault. Of course it wasn’t. But if she’d just grasped harder, run faster,…