Baby Talk: Starting Solids

Boy oh boy! I have definitely let the ball slip on my “baby talk” postings but let me tell you, the past six months have flown by. Ethan will be seven months old after Christmas and I can’t believe it! I will have an update on all of those fun things when that time approaches but for now, I thought I would spend a moment to discuss solids.

Ah! Solids! Yes, it has been such an exciting time in taste testing in our home. But, we have been very lucky that everything has gone so well. Ethan LOVES to eat and has picked up solids so easily. Typically, babies start rice cereal around 4 months but around that time, the FDA released a new study that found arsenic in rice (including baby cereal). So, that kind of threw a wrench in our wheel. At first I decided to just stick with breast milk (yep, nursing is still going very, very well) but slowly, I got a little more brave and began to dabble in a few veggies here and there. I have read numerous books and online articles (yep, I’m that mom) that list tips and suggestions for when your baby starts solids, so we followed the guidelines and got started. We fed him a few bites of the same food for a week to test the waters and then would switch it up the next week, and so on and so forth. At around 5 months we really hit solids pretty head on and started introducing oatmeal cereal (no rice in that one!). We started experimenting with flavors and tastes and I have got to say that my little man loves to eat! His favorites by far are sweet potatoes and bananas. We have steered away from feeding him too many fruits (another tip I’ve read) and have stuck mostly to veggies.

So, at a little over six months, that is what we have been up to food wise. Do any of you moms have any suggestions for me? What types of foods did your baby love at this age?