Blog Tour Sign Up: Don’t Let Me Go by Catherine Ryan Hyde

Catherine will be on tour in September with her women’s fiction novel Don’t Let Me Go. Kindle or print copies will be available for US/Canada residents. Please use the tour form below to sign up and select your preferences. Catherine will also be available for a guest post or interview. I will contact everyone chosen to participate. Thank you!

Former Broadway dancer and current agoraphobic Billy Shine has not set foot outside his apartment in almost a decade. He has glimpsed his neighbors—beautiful manicurist Rayleen, lonely old Ms. Hinman, bigoted and angry Mr. Lafferty, kind-hearted Felipe, and 9-year-old Grace and her former addict mother Eileen.

But most of them have never seen Billy. Not until Grace begins to sit outside on the building’s front stoop for hours every day, inches from Billy’s patio. Troubled by this change in the natural order, Billy makes it far enough out onto his porch to ask Grace why she doesn’t sit inside where it’s safe. Her answer: “If I sit inside, then nobody will know I’m in trouble. And then nobody will help me.”

Her answer changes everything.

By the bestselling author of WHEN I FOUND YOU, SECOND HAND HEART, and PAY IT FORWARD, DON’T LET ME GO is the heart-breaking, funny, and life-affirming story of a building full of loners and misfits who come together to help a little girl survive—and thrive—against all odds.

**Catherine’s tour is now full. Thank you to everyone who signed up!**