Blog Tour Sign Up: Last Minute Love by Romi Moondi

Romi will be on tour in September with her chick lit novel Last Minute Love, the sequel to Year of the Chick! Please use the sign up form below if you would like to be included. eBook copies can be provided, and Romi will also be available for a guest post or interview, and book excerpts can be requested. I will contact everyone chosen to participate. Thank you!

What’s a girl to do when she meets the Internet man of her dreams, he’s better than she expected, but he lives an ocean away? And let’s not forget her parents, who with the help of a meddling auntie, are trying to lock her up in arranged-marriage doom.

That’s where we left off with Romi in “Year of the Chick.”

In book two the saga continues, with more culture clash and adventure than ever before. There’s a big fat Indian wedding, the struggle to keep a long-distance flame alive, and a totally unexpected mystery man that could set a new course in motion.

All the while, Romi leaves the neurosis of her obsessive man-search from “Year of the Chick” behind, which helps her remember the person she used to be, and the person she hopes to become. The history-loving nerd, the hopeless romantic, and the emerging author with dreams of ditching the corporate rat race.

This is the book of living in the moment, making the grand gesture, and putting it all on the line. This is book two, where Romi Narindra comes alive…

DISCLAIMER: this book contains occasional profanities

**Year of the Chick is now only 99 cents for your Kindle!**

**Romi’s tour is now full. Thank you to everyone who signed up!**