Blog Tour Sign Up: Ripple the Twine by Jenn Flynn-Shon

Jenn will be on tour in August with her chick lit novel Ripple the Twine. Please use the sign up form below if you would like to be included. Print copies will be provided for US/Canada residents. Jenn will also be available for a guest post or interview, and book excerpts can be requested. I will contact everyone chosen to participate. Thank you!

“Ripple the Twine” is A Tomboy-meets-Townie love story and tale about how friendship can save your life. Sara Quinn is in her early thirties, single, and loves the Bruins.  She grew up loving her Boston sports teams so much that she pursued a career as a freelance sports writer and has made a local name for herself.  An analytical Tomboy, Sara has become accustomed to shielding herself from the drama of love after a cruel breakup years ago.  But her exterior toughness is only there to mask her seemingly irreparable heart; she’s usually the go-to for her friends when they need advice.  In recent months, however, Sara and her three closest friends have suffered silently with things that they attempted to face on their own.  And without each other to lean on, life began to fall apart for all of them.  Then, as if Murphy’s Law was written just for her, in the midst of it all a cute Townie with Tufts blue eyes arrives, determined to sweep Sara off her feet.  Sara is on the defensive with her long-term broken heart but a little voice inside is saying that she should let him cross the blue line.  Feelings of self-doubt began to creep into all of their lives, but the revelation of secrets that could force more than one of them out of the country hit like the 100 mile per hour slap shot that none of them saw until it was already in the net.

**Jenn’s tour is now full. Thank you to everyone who signed up!**