Book Review: Cursed by Lynn Ricci

CURSEDI received a copy of CURSED by Lynn Ricci in exchange for an honest review.


When Sarah Carter moves to Boston to escape her past she realizes there’s more than meets the eye with the landlord and her mysterious new best friend. What happened to the owner of this brownstone and what secrets lie within its walls and continue to torment? Witchcraft, curses and timeless love are not what Sarah expected to find, but as she learns more, she wonders is she actually running back to her past instead of from it?


For a lack of better words, this is the first time that I am going to call a book cool. I had a really fun time when I was reading this book and for some bizarre reason, it felt like it was a story that would have everyone gathered around a campfire. There are a lot of spooky things going on but the book isn’t scary at all, which I liked because I am a huge wuss! I really enjoyed Sarah and thought that her interactions with the tortured landlord were oddly hilarious and although he gives off a very odd vibe, I found him to be sweet and noble and he definitely turned out to be my favorite character. This book is an odd combination of spooky folklore and an oddball fairy tale, but together they make the perfect combination. This is the second book by Lynn that I have read and I must admit that I liked it better than the first because it was so unique and original. I would highly recommend it.

4.5 stars

1 Comment

  1. March 21, 2013 / 4:33 pm

    Thank you for reading and reviewing “Cursed”! I love that you called it cool . . . that was a first and I hope your readers agree!