Book Review: The Debt and the Doormat by Laura Barnard

Reviewer: Terry

the debt and the doormatI was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

When I started reading this, I wasn’t sure I would like it. The book begins with the main character Poppy getting upset with her friend over a pillow…..seemed a bit shallow to me and I was thinking, boy I am not going to like this one….

Well let me tell you this book was amazing! I loved it so much I read it all in one sitting! The story is about 2 single women who decide to “switch” lives in order to get the other to see that they could do better. Poppy and Jazz are the best of friends even though they are as different as 2 people could be! Poppy sees herself as this klutzy accident prone average looking push over. Jazz is your typical blonde bimbo that parties too much and spends more than her monthly allowance from her rich Mum allows her…This is where the switch comes in, Poppy wants her friend to be more responsible and Jazz wants Poppy to loosen up and enjoy life! So they switch homes and agree to let the other tell them what they can do.

This is where the story gets good…Poppy meet’s the housemates, people who most assuredly change her life. Jazz appears to buckle down and take it easy and even gets a job!

The story continues and you find that Poppy is a disaster waiting to happen! From a sprained ankle to gash on her head to getting a housemate shot, she truly finds trouble everywhere she goes! You honestly feel bad for her and her bad luck throughout the book!

The dynamic relationships in this story are just fun! I love them all…some I love to hate, but others are seriously just so much fun! Poppy seems to really question her relationship status with everyone in her life. Growing up with a drunken demanding Mum is probably a large reason why. She really seems to come into her real self as the story continues and even learns to stand up to many people in her life.

The love story part of this book is probably my favorite! These two are generally cute! They seem to really struggle with the feelings they have for each other but just can’t seem to stay apart. I love how strong their friendship develops long before the love drops into play. There’s no chance Pop’s won’t keep him on his toes for years to come!

Based on the way the book ends, I will not lie in saying that I am looking forward to reading book 2 and cannot wait to see what trouble these two ladies get into next! Great read and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting a fun romantic comedy!

4 stars


  1. October 20, 2013 / 8:42 am

    Thanks so much for a fantastic review Terry! SO glad you enjoyed it. Sequel due to be released March/April x

  2. Samantha
    October 20, 2013 / 1:14 pm

    Happy to have you on here Laura!