Book Review: Divorce for Beginners by Sophie King

divorceI received a copy of DIVORCE FOR BEGINNERS by Sophie King in exchange for an honest review.

Divorce for Beginners begins with Alison and David. Now that their youngest has flown the nest, Alison is looking forward to something calm and quiet, but it seems as though David has something else in mind. Then we meet Karen, who on the verge of busting at the seams after leaving her husband Paul, many years prior. She becomes the ideal candidate to start the “How to Survive Divorce” club. Then we meet Ed, who seems to be the sole person left that believes in marriage. Well, to be frank, he believes in it a little too easily because he has already done it three times. Throw in a woman named Lizzie and we have quite the group.

This book is quite the tale and ironically, even though I am happily married, I quite enjoyed myself. There are quite a few mysterious and secretive things going on behind the scenes and I thought that really added to the appeal. Then throw in some sibling issues, life with kids, parents, aging, dating and sex, and you have quite a recipe for an entertaining book. I really enjoyed getting to know each character on a personal level but I enjoyed them as a foursome even more. Overall, this story is very entertaining although it is often times quite sad. But, Sophie makes up for it in full with some great laughs and a lot of heartfelt moments.

 4 stars


  1. February 14, 2013 / 10:51 am

    I like the mix of sad with entertaining! Great title, too.

  2. Connie Fischer
    February 14, 2013 / 10:54 am

    What am I thinking? I’m thinking that I wish there were more and more chick lit novels out there to read. I would also love to be able to take trips to the UK where I could load up on as many chick lit novels available to take home and read. Sigh….