Reviewer: Andrea
I received a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.
The Summary:
Elizabeth Zurlo is lost. She’s a wife, a mother, a teacher, a PTA volunteer—but somewhere along the way, she’s lost herself. Depression and despair can lead to desperate measures and when she is pulled back from the brink of suicide, Elizabeth slowly tries to rebuild her marriage and reclaim her life. Just as she has finally started to put herself back together, a scandalous novel rocks her small town … and costs Elizabeth her social standing, friendships and ultimately, her marriage. However, the man who seemingly destroyed Elizabeth’s life, helps her realize who she is and what she needs to do to become the woman she’s not only capable of being, but the woman she used to be.
The Review:
I’m really torn with this one. I completely identified with Elizabeth on some levels. What mother hasn’t felt like she’s lost her identity to her children, husband, job, and home? Biel’s description of the balancing act between mother, teacher, and wife is spot-on. Tiptoeing through the mine field of social engagements and, well, life in general can be treacherous. Add to that mix a controlling husband like Peter, and it’s no wonder Elizabeth nearly succumbs to her misery, but the lack of confidence and the constant uncertainty she feels becomes zapped my enjoyment and my connection with her. I began to agree with her opinion of herself with all the self-debasing. The tennis match of her perpetual angst is tedious. Her marriage is working, her marriage is over—it is exhausting. What she needs is a good anti-depressant and a hobby. I found it a bit repetitious.
I had issues with the writing as well. The prologue felt stilted and could have been worked into the plot. I like a novel that shows instead of tells, and I just didn’t see that as much in this one. The final scenes seem cliché. I love when the protagonist gets her happy ending but not when it simply falls in her lap. The passivism of every major event irritated me. However, I can’t deny that I could, at times, identify with the main character.
3 stars
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