Book Review: The Sunshine When She’s Gone by Thea Goodman

sunshineI received a copy of The Sunshine When She’s Gone by Thea Goodman in exchange for an honest review.


When Veronica Reed wakes up one frigid January morning, two things are “off”—first of all, she has had a good night’s sleep, which hasn’t happened in months, and second, both her husband and her baby are gone. Grateful for the much-needed rest, Veronica doesn’t, at first, seriously question her husband’s trip out to breakfast with baby Clara. Little does she know, her spouse has fled lower Manhattan, with Clara, for some R&R in the Caribbean.

Told through alternating points of view, The Sunshine When She’s Gone explores the life-changing impact of parenthood on a couple as individuals and as partners. Thea Goodman brings us into intimacies made tense by sleep-deprivation and to losses and gains made more real by acknowledging them. Here is the story of a couple pushed to the edge and a desperate father’s attempt give them both space to breathe.


As a new mom myself, this book was definitely right up my alley. Goodman does an amazing job at giving us the real deal when it comes to these parents. Some new parents think of their baby a certain way and it just so happens that these characters are flawed and very, very honest and raw. Like I said before, I too am a new mom and I can definitely relate to the sleep deprived stupor that happens with a newborn and although I found the parents actions to be somewhat selfish, I think it is definitely understandable. Goodman fills the book with great detail and and tons of insight that will lead you to very unexpected places in your thoughts. Overall though, this book was a very good read. But, be warned to those of you who are expecting a typical chick-lit, this book was not written that way. But, you may still enjoy it because it was written very solidly.

 4 stars

1 Comment

  1. September 4, 2015 / 1:07 am

    Wow this sounds like such an intriguing concept. It almost sounds as though it could be the beginning of a thriller, so I love that it twists back to be about emotions and the impact of parenthood. A lot has been written about new motherhood, so I like the fresh angle of it being about them both and their relationship.