Reviewer: Samantha
I received a review copy
Dominic Phillips is an enjoyable distraction from fashion designer Eve D’Amico’s loneliness, but there’s never been anything more between them than hot sex. Since he desires no commitment from her either, it’s pretty much the perfect arrangement…except for the fact that he’s dating her sister Isabelle.Eve’s grown used to being the promiscuous black sheep of her family ever since an unplanned pregnancy at age fourteen, and Isabelle is the only one in the D’Amico clan who doesn’t treat her like a second class citizen. Eve doesn’t exactly revel in the idea of hurting her sister if the truth ever comes out.Just when she starts hitting it off with the sexy new neighbor next door, her world is turned upside-down when Dominic reveals his plans to marry Isabelle. As if things weren’t complicated enough, life decides to throw another surprise her way, and Eve is suddenly trapped with another secret to add to a much more shocking one from her past, both of which threaten to destroy every relationship she’s ever hoped to have. She must soon decide whether to reveal the truth and save her sister from a man who’s incapable of commitment, or to keep her lips sealed and secure her own place in the family. For now, though, she will dance around that decision for as long as she can, keeping everyone in check by Playing All the Angles.
This book continually surprised me. When I first started reading about a woman that is sleeping with her sister’s boyfriend, I thought where the hell are we going with this? How could any reader stand behind Eve and try to follow her journey when she was so crass, so cruel, so unlikable. But…but…I actually got it. I got her. And as we keep reading, and as layers of not only Eve, but her sisters and entire family, get peeled back, I started to fall in love with this book. The big reveal was very shocking to read about, but it let all the pieces fall into place. I highly recommend this novel.
4.5 stars