See You Later Broadway by Melissa Baldwin is book two in the Broadway Series, and while I did not read book one, I had no problems jumping right into this story and making friends with Maris. Maris has recently moved to New York City with big dreams of Broadway. While her plans of performing aren’t quite there yet, she is pretty content – until shake up after shake up starts occurring. Between her career, love life, and a sad passing of her grandmother’s friend, Maris finds herself with a lot of decisions that she needs to make and little time to make them.
I have read from Melissa Baldwin in the past and have enjoyed her previous offerings. To start off, I love her covers and See You Later Broadway was no exception. It was so easy to get along with Maris, even if she did have her selfish moments – because, who doesn’t? All the plot twists inside made the story very fast-paced and really fun to read. I was just waiting for Maris to shout out PLOT TWIST at any given moment after all the shake ups started happening! The love life of Maris was particularly interesting to read about, and I am really going to wait anxiously for book three in this series, because I have a feeling there will be more drama with how her relationship plays out! I do want to go back to read the first book in the series, See You Soon Broadway, because I have a feeling I will enjoy getting some back story on Maris and the supporting cast. If you are a fan of chick lit, you will love this story and I highly recommend!
5 stars
About the Author
Melissa Baldwin is an avid runner, planner obsessed, and has always had a love for writing. She is a wife, mother, and avid journal keeper who took her creativity to the next level by fulfilling her dream with her debut novel, An Event to Remember…or Forget. Melissa writes about charming, ambitious, and real women and is now a published author of seven Romantic Comedy novels and novellas.
When she isn’t deep in the writing zone, this multi-tasking master organizer is busy spending time with her family, chauffeuring her daughter, traveling, running, indulging in fitness, and taking a Disney Cruise every now and then.