Cappuccino is the Answer for Job Dissatisfaction by Hillary E. Peak

Cappuccino is the Answer for Job Dissatisfaction by Hillary Peak follows main character Jessica on her path to finding job satisfaction. Like many people, Jessica is unsure of her next steps in her path to career success. Upon graduation, she wanted a job that would allow her to change the world, but, many years later, she finds that her employment has gone stagnant and she wants something that will truly make a difference in her overall happiness and life. She takes job quizzes and does some soul searching …. but will she ever find the “one”? Only time will tell, and Jessica hopes that her answer lies in her next cappuccino.

Overall, I found Cappuccino is the Answer for Job Dissatisfaction to be a little stale. There were brief glimpses of greatness throughout the book, and I can tell that Hillary most definitely has the potential … but the book just never really reached that point for me. I wanted something a little more meaty, something with a little more pizazz- and this book just didn’t have it. Unfortunately, I am going to have to give this book a 3 stars. I wanted to like it so bad, but I just never could really get into it.

[Rating: 3/5]