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#BookReview: Ms. Communications By Myra Kendrix

Reviewer: Allie I received a review copy Summary: Gwen Mongan is a thirty-three-year-old Marketing Communications executive in an innovative startup. Besides her exciting career and…

#BookReview: Rome in Love by Anita Hughes

Reviewer: Samantha I received a review copy Summary: When Amelia Tate is cast to play the Audrey Hepburn role in a remake of Roman Holiday, she…

#BookReview: Stepdog by Nicole Galland

Reviewer: Terry I received a review copy Summary: What’s the difference between puppy love and dogged devotion? When Sara Renault fired Rory O’Connor from his…

#BookReview: Caching In by Tracy Krimmer

Reviewer: Samantha I received a review copy Summary: Can a compass lead you to love? Broken-hearted Ally Couper has had enough with her ridiculous life.…

#BookReview: I Wish For You by Camilla Isley

Reviewer: Christy I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Summary: If all your wishes could suddenly come true,…

#BookReview: Sex, Lies & Cruising by Cathryn Chapman #CLPBlogTours

Reviewer: Samantha I received a review copy Summary: Exotic locations, sexy men, and crazy crew parties… Ellie has her dream job… or does she? When…

#BookReview: The Missing Mah Jongg Player by Iris Wynne

Reviewer: Leah I received a review copy Summary: Steve Wade is an ex-cop with an ex-wife and girlfriends he could never commit to. Now he’s…

#BookReview: The Girl Who Ignored Ghosts by K.C. Tansley

Reviewer: Sandy I received a review copy Summary: She tried to ignore them. But some things won’t be ignored. Kat Preston doesn’t believe in ghosts.…

#BookReview: We Never Asked for Wings by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Reviewer: Annie I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Summary: From the beloved New York Times bestselling author…