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Anything by Michael Baron

I have read The Journey Home from Michael Baron and enjoyed it, so when I was offered a chance to review his latest novel, Anything I decided to give him another go. And I am so happy I did! This book had me hooked from the very beginning, and was one that I would constantly talk about to friends –asking the question: what would you do?
Ken and Melissa, the focal point of the novel, are about to get married. Ken never knew he could love someone as much as he loves Melissa, and he is ready to start a new life together with her as his wife. While searching for just the right wedding present for Melissa, Ken stumbles upon a unique and mysterious shop. When the owner offers him a chance to look in on Melissa’s life when she was a girl, Ken decides to seize the opportunity. But when the look back offers a glimpse at a horrific incident from her childhood, Ken is enraged. But now Ken has a second chance – he can go back in time and prevent the incident from happening. Ken would do anything for Melissa, and to take away that memory would bring Ken such joy and he feels that Melissa’s life would only better from that. But when Ken returns to present time, Melissa is no longer in his life. She doesn’t even know who he is. By changing that one piece of the past, Ken has now altered both his and Melissa’s life – forever.
I enjoyed getting to know a male protagonist, which isn’t something I get often with mainly reading chick lit and romance. Ken was such a lovely character, a man that I think everyone woman wishes she would meet and fall in love with. He had a great dynamic with Melissa, but the depth of these characters goes even farther. Ken says he will do anything for Melissa – even at the expense of them possibly never meeting. This was a terrific book, and like I said earlier, had me talking to people about what they would do given the opportunity. Check out this book – you won’t be disappointed!
[Rating: 5]

Worth Lying For: Book Excerpt

Lisa Cheney & Lisa Craig


I was too old to be scrabbling for loose change on the floor of my car. But the twenty-two pennies mined from the bottom of my purse wouldn’t buy me a coffee at George’s Market. An archaeological dig under layers of receipts, magazines, and old shopping lists was bound to unearth fifty-three cents more. I found a quarter by my feet, then, leaning over, hit the mother lode under the passenger seat: four dimes and a nickel.
I was about to haul myself upright, spare change and pride in hand, when some idiot zoomed up and parked right next to me, even though mine was the lone car in the lot. Craning my neck, I saw a mint condition, 1968 Shelby Mustang GT500. I may only be a receptionist/bookkeeper, but I’m a receptionist/bookkeeper for a classic car restoration garage. I know my muscle cars. And for my money, the 1968 Shelby is the best looking automobile ever made.

The early October morning sun glinted off its shiny black paint and bright chrome trim. I was filled with the covetousness I usually reserve for designer shoes and the occasional signature handbag. If I could own a car like that, and the right pair of stilettos to match, everything in my life would be perfect.
As I sighed over my vision, Jimmy Adler, the biggest jackass I had ever known, stepped out of my dream car. The driver—it was painful to think of him as the owner of this classic vehicle—had spent our high school days in a haze of pot smoke, emerging occasionally to sell to others or publicly berate his girlfriend, Tina. I hadn’t seen him much in the past twenty-some years, which was surprising considering we live in such a small town. Then again, in a small town you hear about people whether you want to or not. It was common knowledge that he had continued on his sordid path, and Tina, now his ex-wife, would never bring charges even after all the domestic violence calls. He was an absolute pig and he was driving my car.

In contrast to my own tee shirt and ancient wrinkled slacks, he was decked out. He had on a gorgeous black leather jacket that, even from a distance, I could tell was a soft, supple lambskin that called out to be petted. He hadn’t gotten fat, or lost his still-brown hair. Truly, there is no justice in the universe.
I watched him swagger toward the store. No, make that stagger. He weaved two steps sideways for every one he took forward. He was completely hammered and it was not yet nine in the morning. Stumbling over the front step to the market, he smashed his forehead against the glass door. He obviously felt no pain as he bounced off in surprise and fumbled for the pull handle. He pushed on it for a minute or so while shouting out some garbled swearing, before he realized he had to pull the door open. He hadn’t changed a bit.

The Shelby was parked way too close, but as long as I eased my door open there was enough room to get out. As satisfying as it would have been to bang my car door into his, I had to rise above such pettiness for the sake of the Shelby. A work of art is a work of art, no matter how big of an idiot the owner is. I lightly ran my fingertips over its smooth paint. Torturing myself further, I peeked inside the open passenger window at the red leather interior. Perfect. Damn it.
On the pristine leather of the passenger seat, next to an empty fifth of Jack Daniels and a couple baggies filled with suspicious-looking herbs, I saw a black duffle bag. Inside the unzipped bag I could see money: stacks and stacks of money. Not Monopoly money. Real, U.S. legal tender. Stupid drug dealing bottom-feeder, how do you end up with a Ford Shelby and a bag of cash while I’m looking for change under the floor mats of a Ford Escort?

On its own reconnaissance my hand shot out and grabbed the bag, then dragged it through the open window. Adrenaline tightened my throat as I stared at my offending hand. This was wrong, so very wrong. I was an upstanding citizen who paid her taxes, mortgage and insurance on time. I believed in my heart that world peace was possible. I had never so much as stolen somebody’s thunder.

Put. The money. Back. Slide the bag through the window, drop it back on the seat and this never happened. I dropped the bag through the open window of my car instead. Inexplicably, I found myself behind the wheel, speeding away as fast as my little junker would go.
I drove two tenths of a mile straight downhill then came to a screeching halt at the end of a treacherously narrow driveway to a daycare establishment called Smartypants, where I turned around. I came back up the hill in time to see the Shelby racing away in the other direction. Jimmy ignored a stop sign, hung a left with tires squealing, then disappeared from sight.

I went around the block slowly. I had no idea where Jimmy was headed. Chasing after him—for any reason—seemed like a bad plan.
As I cruised past the storefront it was impossible to see in or out through the layers of beer and liquor advertisements obscuring the windows. The convenience store had no obvious security cameras pointed at the parking lot. I was fairly sure Mr. George had no security measures in place at all, aside from a baseball bat he kept next to him at the checkout. I thought back. I hadn’t heard any cars driving by earlier and there hadn’t been a soul anywhere in the vicinity.

I had pulled off the perfect crime without even trying.

Unlocked by Rachael O’Bryan

Rachael O’Bryan is currently on tour with her novel Unlocked and CLP Blog Tours. I thought the concept for this story was interesting, as O’Bryan comes right out and says that the scenarios that happen to the main character, Rebecca, are loosely based on her own experiences. The book is written in short stories, touching on people and situations that Rebecca finds herself in, mostly during the time she was working as a tutor in college for the football team. There are nine guys that share the spotlight throughout, and Rebecca relates each guy and situation to a lesson that was learned. The focal points of the story are love, friendship, self-confidence, trust, acceptance, and heartache, and I could definitely see them all. At the beginning of the book it didn’t seem that Rebecca had any self-confidence, and it was nice to see her grow throughout the stories. Readers follow along as she searches for love and acceptance, both with others and for herself. There were a few stories that I could relate to more than others, and I think anyone should be able to find at least one story that they can relate with as well. This was a fast read, but sometimes a bit too scattered for me to find a good hold onto the characters. Not a favorite book of mine, but still an interesting read.
[Rating: 3.5]

Challenger’s Reads

See what other challenger’s are reading!

Red Hot Libery by Devin O’Branagan

Red Hot Liberty by Devin O’Branagan is the sequel to Red Hot Property, which I have not read. It can be difficult to read a sequel without knowing the characters and situations from the first book. I did struggle a bit with not being able to relate to all the plot points along the way for that reason, but it didn’t completely hinder my reading experience. The book follows Molly O’Malley, who works in real estate and has a slew of personal problems. She is being sued by a former client, her new assistant is hot and comes with a British accent, her tween daughter is acting like a tween, and her dogs are depressed. There is a lot of focus on the dogs in this book, which sometimes seemed odd, but O’Branagan belongs to the Dog Writers Association of America and is a big advocate for animal rescue, and it’s interesting to see how she can translate that passion into her books. Another quirky character is Liberty True, who doesn’t trust the government and believes in many conspiracies. All these sub plot points can be a bit overwhelming at times, and I again wonder if I could have gotten a better grip on the story if I had read the first book. The conspiracies that Liberty True talks about were really intriguing to me, and I actually looked up quite a few on the internet. Overall, I liked this book and even the writing style, but there was a lot going on and a lot of characters to keep track of. I would still recommend Red Hot Liberty, but I would suggest you read Red Hot Property first.
[Rating: 3.5]

Monique Domovitch Blog Tour Sign Up

Some people have ambitions so great that they will trample anything and anyone to achieve it. Alexander Yvanov is such a man. Born in Brooklyn…