Chick Lit Plus Awards

awardsChick Lit Plus is going to be hosting its first award season this August! Readers will have the chance to vote for their favorites in a slew of categories, and of course- win fabulous prizes for participating! The first step is deciding on exactly what those categories should be. Listed below is some preliminary categories that have been chosen by myself, authors, and some readers, but I want to hear more voices! Let me know what categories you think should be included in the awards. Feel free to comment on Facebook, Twitter, or this post, or email me your suggestions at I am really looking forward to hearing from you!

*Best Series

*Best Laugh Out Loud

*Best Scandal

*Best from a Debut Author

* Character with the Best Job

*Best Romance

*Best from a Celebrity Author

*Best Sequel

*Best Cover


  1. Stephanie
    August 6, 2010 / 1:38 pm

    Are we (the fans) going to be able to suggest applicants for each category or just vote for the winners?

  2. August 6, 2010 / 7:24 pm

    What about maybe best movie adaptation of a chick lit book? Or book that should most be made into a movie?

    This is going to be so fun!