Ruby Preston is on tour now with CLP Blog Tours and Staged. I was super excited to get this book, as I highly enjoyed the first in this Broadway series, Showbiz. Scarlett Savoy is back and ready to conquer the Broadway biz – for real this time. She is now a producer for her own company, has financial backing thanks to a good friend, has a hit show on her hands, and even more pieces fall into place when she snags a sought-after director and a Hollywood starlet to play the lead. The only thing she needs now? A theater.
Oh, there is so much more to Staged than just Scarlett trying to find a theater and making her show a success. The most intriguing part to me was the romance – just who was Scarlett going to end up with? I hate to drop a (very minor) spoiler, but it looks like we won’t know that answer until the third and final book in this series. I’m not sure you would absolutely need to read Showbiz in order to catch on to this book, but I actually like the first just a smidge more, so I would recommend it anyway! And I’m definitely looking forward to the third and seeing how Scarlett’s journey comes to an end.
4 stars
Author Bio:
Author Ruby Preston is an award-winning Broadway producer who has helped to bring many
musicals to the stage. Her first novel “SHOWBIZ,” described as “The Devil Wears Prada” meets
NBC’s Smash, received widespread praise. Now a promising talent in the literary as well as the theater world, Preston’s newest release is the second book in her Broadway Trilogy. For more information on Ruby Preston and her novels visit or
Follow Ruby on twitter: @BroadwayRuby