Kathleen Kole is now on tour with CLP Blog Tours and Tales From the Laundry Pile
Claire Jamieson has moved back home to Boxwood Hills… And, she’s not alone. Trailing behind her overworked laundry basket is her husband and their energetic twin boys.
Claire had always thought that once she’d left the nest, she’d never return. Now that she has, she’s wondering what type of bird that makes her… Cuckoo?
When she has a moment to pause and catch her breath, she’ll let you know.
Tales from the Laundry Pile, an engaging, thoughtful story of motherhood, family tangles, new friendships and self-discovery.
The Boxwood Hills novels take place in the same picturesque mountain town, they have been written to stand alone; each story one in a set of many. That being said, don’t be surprised to see characters you recognize from other books within each other’s tale. They love to make cameos. Welcome to Boxwood Hills!
Kathleen Kole has been one of my favorite authors – and people! – since I first started reading her books. She does a terrific job at creating fun and cute stories that sucks me in no matter how different I might be from the main character, something I think speaks volumes for an author. With her latest novel we meet Claire, a bit of a neurotic mother to twin boys who has just moved to Boxwood Hills. She always feels overwhelmed by all of her duties and trying to keep her sons out of trouble, to stop them from getting scraped knees and bothering the neighbors. But when she starts making new friends and getting back to her old self – who she was before motherhood came along – Claire finally begins to loosen up and find happiness again. While I might not be a mother yet I thought this book provided good future lessons. It was easy to see how Claire let becoming a mother take over her own self-happiness, and it was great to journey along with her and see how she able to start making steps towards improvement. I also enjoyed that this wasn’t too serious of a book even though the topics could be serious at times – Kole writes with a light-heartedness and humor that makes her books a breeze to read! My only issue with the book – I wished it were longer!
4.5 stars
**Everyone who leaves a comment on Kathleen’s tour page will be entered to win a four print books from Kathleen! Titles are: Breaking Even, Dollars to Donuts, Favorable Conditions and Tales From the Laundry Pile. One bonus winner will win a $20 Amazon gift card! Anyone who purchases their copy of Tales From the Laundry Pile before July 29 and sends their receipt to Samantha (at) ChickLitPlus (dot) com, will get five bonus entries.**

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