Reviewer: Samantha
I received a review copy
What happens when the world you love doesn’t press pause when you do? Singer-songwriter Christine Daley hit the streets of Boston and became a minor celebrity—with a local radio hit—in the 90s, but a “short” career break to marry and have kids changed everything. Now, sixteen years later, she’s a frustrated suburban housewife, struggling to find her place in life.
After filing for divorce, she learns that her attempts to reestablish her own rhythms—both in music and in love—are more complicated than she’d anticipated. Her two teenagers are desperate for their mom, and her soon-to-be-ex-husband is throwing every obstacle he can in her way. Adding to the stress is the progress in technology, which has not only changed the music industry, but also the dating world. Is there room in the mix for Chris?
I think I’ve said this plenty of times in my reviews, but I love when I connect with books that I don’t expect to. I was curious about the story from reading the blurb and I thought the cover was fascinating, but I connected with Chris on a level that I didn’t see coming. Her story is real and has depth and was so well-written by Rowen. There isn’t any gimmicks, any outlandish scenes or jaw-dropping moments, just smooth transitions between past and present as we follow Chris and understand her life and how it has gotten to the point it is. Truly impressed with this book, and I highly recommend.
4.5 stars
Author Bio:
Mary Rowen loves music and is a Boston area mom to teenagers. All of her novels focus on women of various ages growing up, or at least becoming comfortable with themselves. Her essays have been anthologized and/or published on multiple blogs. Mary grew up in the Massachusetts Merrimack Valley, is a graduate of Providence College, and has worked as a teacher, writer, salesperson, and political canvasser. She firmly believes that all of those jobs provide good preparation for an aspiring writer.
Website is:
twitter: @maryjrowen
Book links:
Living by Ear:
Leaving the Beach:
Double Album:

Here’s the html: a Rafflecopter giveaway
Very good review of this book. And thank you for the great giveaway that you have going along with it.