CLP Blog Tours Novel Spotlight: Maybe Tomorrow by Erin Cawood

Erin Cawood is on tour now with CLP Blog Tours and Maybe Tomorrow!

Maybe Tomorrow CoverAbout the Book

Welcome to the FORGIVE OR FORGET series, a compelling contemporary women’s fiction love story and family saga series. Cawood’s love inspired medical romance series follows the close-knit McGowan siblings; Keon, Kiera, Cormack, and Cara, as they face the difficult choice between forgiving or forgetting true love after a broken heart.
Does a heart ever really heal from its first break? 

On an unseasonably hot night in late September, Dr. Keon McGowan is called away from a family gathering to a hospital emergency. Amongst his patients that night is a blast from his past he’d rather forget. He’ll certainly never forgive butterfly hunter Darcia Davenport for leaving him alone as a single dad while she chased butterflies through the Amazon rainforest.

Coming face to face with the woman who broke his heart after all this time, Keon realises that he has never fully healed from it. But any chance of finding closure is ripped away when Darcy chooses to end treatment and live her final weeks without regret. Can Keon let her go? Or will he fight for the tomorrow they might never have?
MAYBE TOMORROW is an emotional journey of love caught between fate and destiny, and Keon is forced to choose between his head and his heart, his wants and his responsibilities, forgiving Darcy or forgetting all about her, and between a second chance family or an ill-fated heartbreak romance.

Read An Excerpt

He stood on the pier, hearing her words all over again. He watched her lips move and didn’t quite understand what she was saying. It was the opportunity of a lifetime. She was sorry, really sorry, but she didn’t want this life. She had never wanted it. She wanted action and adventure, to climb the Himalayas, to shower under waterfalls, and swim in turquoise waters. She wanted to stand amongst the Monarch butterflies in Mexico as they migrated. She was sorry, really sorry, but she couldn’t stay with him. She’d only grow to resent him, their life, and any children they had. (Of course, Lily hadn’t been born by then. The news of their baby had come as a shock to Keon, almost a full nine months later.)


Pain gripped his chest, as fresh as the day she’d left him. He’d drunk himself unconscious a thousand times, prayed for her return, would have given anything to have her say she’d take it back. When the pain turned to rage, he wanted her dead.

But not like this. Never like this. His Darcy, the light of his life, was going to die. Everything he’d ever wanted to say to her, all the anger he’d felt since that day, had just vanished. The thought of losing her crushed him.


**Maybe Tomorrow is only 99 cents while on tour!**

erin cawoodAuthor Bio

Erin Cawood is a commercial women’s fiction author, with a taste for dramatic storylines and a passion for strong lead characters she really gets behind, cheering on right to the very end of their story. Her focus? Taking romance into the darker, edgier side of contemporary fiction.

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