Emily Reese will be on tour February 16-23 with her novel Second Death
When Meghan Monroe went missing, her twin brother Mike swore to find her. The harder he looked, the less he seemed to find until he came across a book called The Collector. If his hunch is correct, his professor, Claire Wallace, holds the key to finding his sister. But no one knows better than Claire that finding Meghan might be the least of Mike’s worries.
After he ignores her warnings to go home and forget about the book, Claire must make a choice: let Mike’s discoveries lead him to certain death, or face down her own demons to help him. Knowing The Collector is much more fact than fiction, Claire must decide whether to protect the secret she has kept for eighty years, or reveal her true nature to save another girl from sharing the same dark fate.
Please visit CLP Blog Tours for all the tour stops!

B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/second-death-emily-reese/1104729929?ean=9780990647331
Author Bio:
Emily Reese graduated from the University of North Texas with a degree in Communication Studies. She has been writing all her life, and SECOND DEATH is her first novel. She lives out in the middle of Nowhere, Texas with her husband, a.k.a. King of All Things English, her daughter a.k.a. The Total Package and/or Monkey, a pug, and two cats.
Additionally, she loves smushed faced animals, the creative power of Junior Mints, the glory of naps, baking, knitting, and the sound her Monkey makes while she sucks her thumb.
Blog: https://writerreese.wordpress.com/
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/EmilyReeseAuthor
Goodreads Page: https://www.goodreads.com/writerreese
Twitter: @writerreese
Read an excerpt!
Walking home, Erica mulled things over. Kevan seemed halfway decent. That would be awesome for Hailey. She needs a decent guy for once. Passing between the pools of light from the streetlamps, she couldn’t keep herself from smiling. It was a pretty great party.
Fleeting movement from the corner of her vision caused her to pause and look around. Her stomach rolled, like it did when she watched a horror movie. She strained her senses, trying to see something, hear something to explain her trepidation.
“Hello?” There was no response. Erica shook her head and moved along. What would you do if someone answered, you goose? She looked up and noticed one of the streetlights was out. The space of darkness it left filled her with foreboding. “You’re being ridiculous,” she told herself aloud. Head down, she jogged into the darkness.
A bystander would’ve seen a young, brunette woman disappearing into a shadow. If they were close enough, they might have heard a man’s voice whispering.
“Hello, sweetheart.”
Thank you so much for the awesome work you’ve done on my tour!