Title: See You Later Broadway
Author: Melissa Baldwin
Genre: Chick Lit/Romantic Comedy
Tour Timeframe: October
Features Available: Review Only
Formats Available: Kindle & ePub
About the Book
It’s finally here . . . the much-anticipated sequel to See You Soon Broadway! Maris is back!
Decisions, decisions, decisions . . .
Maris Forrester’s exciting new life is not everything she was hoping it would be. Although she’s happy in her new career, she’s plagued with the feeling that something is still missing. Imagine her surprise when an old friend presents her with an unbelievable opportunity that could change everything. This new career sounds almost too good to be true, including the upcoming trip to London. She quickly learns that even the most perfect scenarios have their drawbacks, and when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is . . .
In addition to making a life-changing career choice, Maris realizes she has other decisions to make—whom to love and where to find happiness. What if neither is what she thought they should be?