Cold & Flu Season

fluI think we all realize that the cold and flu season is here. I personally have been hit by a cold leading to a sinus infection, and it seems that no matter who I talk to, they have been affected as well. I work in a hospital, which can make it so much more difficult to prevent the germs clinging onto me, but there are of course preventative measures that everybody can take to help keep themselves healthy during this winter season.

I think many stores, restaurants, schools, etc. are doing so much to prevent the cold and flu germs being spread. I see hand sanitizers and hand wipes around every corner, and they are they for people to use. Use them! You don’t know if someone has just coughed or sneezed on that shirt you are about to try on, or the gallon of milk you’re about to bring home. Using the sanitizers can help cut down your chances of catching something.

Rest. I think this is so important and something that I don’t do enough. When you feel under the weather, take time for yourself. Instead of going out with your friends, take a night off to sit at home, rent some movies and eat something good for you. If you need to, call in sick to work. This is especially important so you don’t get co-workers sick. Don’t go in if you have a fever or vomiting, but also if you are feeling exhausted, weak, or dizzy, I say use that sick leave to get a day for sleep and trying to get better. Don’t keep pushing yourself, that can lead to actually extending whatever bug you caught.

A few other tips would be to eat right. I don’t do this very well, I’m a huge chip and sweets fan, but I try to drink a lot of water and eat fruit and protein. If you just can’t get yourself to eat healthy, you can always try a multi-vitamin. I don’t like vegetables, any vegetables, so I take a vitamin to help get those nutrients that I don’t receive from eating carrots and broccoli. There are so many vitamins out there that can be specific to the needs of everybody. And another way to help keep yourself healthy is to work out. Thirty minutes of exercise a day can help boost the immune system, making you less susceptible to catch a virus. This way, you are not only helping yourself be healthy, you are getting in shape at the same time.

The flu season is especially scary this year with the introduction of the H1N1 virus. Vaccines are out now, for both the regular flu and the H1N1, and it is a personal decision on if you would want to receive the vaccine. Do the best that you can to keep yourself healthy, try the tips that are listed in this article and I hope you all the best!