Debut Author Spotlight: Shannon Hart

Debut Author: Shannon Hart

Debut Novel: Until the End of Forever

I met Shannon when she emailed me in hopes I would read and review her debut novel. Until the End of Forever had a catchy title and looked decidedly chick lit, so I agreed. I emailed back and forth with Shannon, and I thought she was very humble about her writing and quite nervous for me to review her book, which made me like her even more. And I was happy to report to Shannon good thoughts on Until the End of Forever. Here is a clip of my review:

“I enjoyed that the novel was written from both Sarah and Rob’s point of view. I think by having the multiple viewpoints gives readers an extra oomph on understanding and engaging with the characters. I definitely think the ending showcased some fantastic dramatic scenes, and really tied the entire story together nicely.”

Shannon was even kind enough to donate two copies of Until the End of Forever to my chick lit reading challenge! If you are interested in signing up, you can read the guidelines and access the sign up page, and anyone who posts a review in the month of January will be eligible to win a copy.

You can find Shannon on Twitter, and also on her website, and she was kind enough to stop by and do a great interview with me!


  1. January 19, 2011 / 3:13 am

    I really enjoy alternating points of view so I’m very interested in reading this one for the challenge! Thanks for the tweet for the heads up on this one!

  2. Samantha
    January 19, 2011 / 4:01 am

    Thanks for stopping Krista! I hope you get it and enjoy 🙂