Diary of a Mummy Misfit by Amanda Egan

Libby Marchant and husband Ned are bound and determined to give their only child, son Max, a prestigious education. They work diligently to be able to get him accepted by Manor House Prep School––whether they truly can afford it or not. Once accepted, Libby realizes that maybe prep school isn’t the best place for her. The other moms are first class snobs, she immediately feels out of place, and the competition between the other mothers is chart-topping. Libby befriends Fenella Hunter-Barnes, a rich mother but who is down to earth at the same time. Libby and Fenella easily become fast friends, and team up against the other parents while trying to survive prep school together.

I had a lot of fun reading Diary of a Mummy Misfit by Amanda Egan. I will say that the British slang sometimes left me baffled. I even tried googling a few of the sentences so I could get the full humor, but eventually had to quit because it happened so often. Other than that, I loved Libby’s character––always slightly off-balanced but a loving wife and mother who is just trying to do the best for her son. The friendship she has with Fenella is hysterical. Egan’s writing it quick and witty, filled with humorous tales and quirky scenarios.  A really fun chick lit read that I would recommend!

[Rating: 4]