The Divorce Club by Jayde Scott is a book for the women. While the story follows Sarah, a young mother whose husband has just taken off to be with someone even younger, I fell very easily into the story even though I am not married, divorced, or a mom. I think Sarah will be very compatible to many readers, and her journey pulled me in right from the first page. On her own for the first time and having to support herself and her thirteen-year old daughter, Sarah comes up with the idea to start a divorce club – a place where women going through a divorce can come for support, advice, or just bitch about their exes. The club features a slew of different woman, but the most interesting member is Jaime, the only male of the group. Sarah is forced to fight off her attraction to Jaime, and also try to figure out why he joined the group. And contend with a stalker. And deal with ex-husband who has just took up residence at their house again. The chaos is complete is Sarah’s life, and now she just has to figure out how to take control. I really enjoyed The Divorce Club. Like I said earlier, I think this book will strike a chord with all women, whether you can relate to Sarah’s story or not. Scott’s writing is key, humorous yet insightful, witty and distinctive, and the plot twists will keep you frantically reading until the end.