My First 5K: Week 14: What Comes Next

In just three weeks, I will be running in my first 5K. I’m excited, I’m a bit nervous, but if anything – I feel prepared. I’ve been doing plenty of training that last few months, I can run the 3 1/2 miles with relative ease, and I’m mentally ready to run. But now I’m starting to wonder – what comes after the run? My training schedule has been pretty packed since I signed up for The Color Run, but now I think I need to have something else to look forward to once the run is…ran. I like to think I keep a pretty good workout schedule as it is – mixing in cardio with strength with the Yoga and Pilates. Now I know I will have at least a day or two to run as well, but I really liked having the consistency, that schedule. I bought Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred DVD a few months back, but I haven’t done an actual 30 day, every day workout with the DVD like it’s meant for. I’ve been using it when my schedule calls for cardio, but I think that is going to change. This is going to be my next workout project and of course – I’ll be blogging weekly about all the pain the fierce Jillian Michael’s is putting me through!

Below is my workout schedule for the week. Bold is a part of my regular workout schedule, non-bold is in my 5K training.

Monday: Run 20 minutes, 15 minute Pilates DVD

Tuesday: Walk 15 minutes, 20 minute treadmill incline walk

Wednesday: Run 25 minutes, 30 minute Yoga DVD

Thursday: Walk 15 minutes, 60 minute treadmill incline walk

Friday: Day Off

Saturday: 35 minute run

Sunday: Day Off