My First 5K: Week 6: Shin Splints

This week started Week 6 out 15 for my 5K training. And along with it came – shin splits. Ouch! I actually had no idea what they were. I started complaining to my boyfriend that such a weird spot in my legs hurt – I’m used to thighs or even calves – but when the front of my lower legs started giving me pain, I was scratching my head. When the boyfriend said “shin splits” right away, I just stared blankly back at him. A who what? I’ve been trying to make sure to stretch more before and after each run, and I have on my shopping list to get a new pair of running shoes, as my old Reebok’s seem to be falling apart and are not getting the job done any longer. Anyone else ever suffer from shin splits, or have advice on how to get through them?

Below is my workout schedule for Week 6, bold is what I would normally complete, non-bold is my running schedule!

Monday: Yoga DVD – 30 minutes, Run 10 minutes steady, walk 10 minutes steady

Tuesday: Cardio DVD – 10 minutes (high intensity), Walk 15 minutes, 40 sit-ups

Wednesday: Day Off

Thursday: 30 minute elliptical, Walk 15 minutes, 45 sit-ups

Friday: Shape workout – 10 minutes, Run 12 minutes steady, walk 12 minutes steady

Saturday: Day Off

Sunday: Run 4 minutes, walk 5 x 6