My First 5K: Week Four: Heat Wave

My training for the Color Run continues on. I will say that I haven’t run outside again this week, but not because I was too afraid this time – because of the intense heat wave that’s been going on! Temps have been over 100 degrees since Tuesday, and it’s just not safe to be outdoors for extended periods of time, much less have that time spent running. My boyfriend and I went to the 4th of July parade in my town on Wednesday. We were outside for 2 hours – not running, simply standing and watching – and I think we both had heat exhaustion. We stayed inside the rest of the night. Even the gym has been extremely warm, but I still am getting my runs in. Some people have asked me why I don’t run in the elements to prepare myself for the 5K. My response – the race is being held in October. There will be no extreme heat in Iowa during October, that I am near positive. The heat wave is supposed to be over come next week, so I hope to get out again once it cools down. Here is my workout schedule for the week! Bold is what I would normally do, non-bold is my training schedule.

Monday: Walk 3 minutes, run 15 minutes, walk 2 minutes, 20 minutes Pilates video

Tuesday: Walk 15 minutes, 20 sit-ups, Shape magazine workout – 15 minutes, 60 minute incline treadmill walk

Wednesday: Walk 3 minutes, run 18 minutes, walk 3 minutes

Thursday: Walk 15 minutes, 25 sit-ups, 45 minutes cardio Yoga DVD

Friday: Shape magazine workout – 15 minutes

Saturday: Interval run – run 3 minutes, walk 1 x 8

Sunday: Shape magazine workout – 15 minutes



  1. July 8, 2012 / 5:25 pm

    The news up here has been talking about the heatwave in the States and I could see on the map that Iowa was included in that. Stay cool – though that’s pretty much impossible anywhere these days!

  2. Samantha
    July 10, 2012 / 11:17 am

    Wow, that’s crazy! It seems to finally be calm again this week and I can enjoy the outdoors once again!