Thanks to Emily Shaffer for sharing this post, courtesy of CLP Blog Tours! Visit her That Time of the Month tour page for more information and a giveaway!
I have an idealized version of what my life would be like if I could be a full-time writer. I’d wake every day, refreshed of course, since I don’t have to punch a clock and can sleep in any time I want. I’d exercise, because naturally I would make my own schedule, and being fit would become a priority. I’d get ready for the day and choose my most hip and cool outfit, because as a writer, I must always look hip and cool. Once I was finally put together, I would head out the door to my local coffee shop or bookstore and start plugging away at my latest sure-to-be bestselling novel.
That’s the life I dream of as I trudge to my day job (wearing my less-than-hip business casual clothes), punch a clock (in the form of billable time), and wile away the hours staring at a computer screen full of words and numbers I don’t care about. When you spend the day working, whether in an office, in the home, or on a construction site in the middle of Timbuktu…the question of motivation, and finding the time to write, starts to become very real.
It would be easy to use the daily grind as an excuse to put off writing. My job is time consuming and often requires night time and weekend work, but I don’t let it stop me. When I have a long lunch break, I use it to write. When I get home at night, I sit on the couch and write. When I am free on the weekends, I write. When I am not free, I still find some way to write.
When I wrote my novel, That Time of the Month, I was unemployed and had the luxury of time. As such, I was able to have my novel ready for querying within three months. I am now working more than full time, and my second novel is in the works. I may not have as much time as I did the first time around, but I am no less determined to finish my manuscript and set it loose on the world.
Much like my main character, Ellie, my ideal fantasy writing life is my motivator. It may never come true, and if I did somehow have all the time in the world to write, it may not happen the way I described…but I know one thing, it will never happen if I don’t take the time to put words to paper.
**Everyone who leaves a comment on Emily’s tour page will be entered to win a $10 Amazon gift card! Anyone who purchases their copy of That Time of the Month before October 29 and sends their receipt to Samantha (at) ChickLitPlus (dot) com, will get five bonus entries.**
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