Interview with Rebecca J Clark

rebecca j clarkQ: Why did you decide to write romance novels?

After reading my very first romance at age 11, I loved how it made me feel at the end–that all is good and beautiful in this world. I knew then I wanted to write my own stories, to make other people feel that way, if only for a short while


Q: You have one book out now, Borrowed Stilettos. Are you currently working on another?

I always work on more than one thing at a time. I’m working on follow-up to Borrowed Stilettos and also a romantic suspense novella. Among other projects. I write really slow (the darn day job gets in the way) so I can’t tell you when to expect something new. Soon, I hope.


Q: What do you hope readers take away from your writing?

I just hope they can lose themselves in my world while they’re reading. I hope my writing makes them smile.


Q: How did you celebrate your first publishing deal?

You know, I’m almost ashamed to say I didn’t do anything special. It took a while for it to sink in. I think I celebrated more when I made the Golden Heart finals in 2008, because I’d just come off a long writing draught where I was questioning my sanity to keep pursuing this dream. Making the GH finals proved to me that writing is what I need to do–no matter how hard and frustrating this industry can be.


Q: Are there any authors that you really admired, or kept their works in mind while you were writing?

There are so many, but I have to give a shout out to Rachel Gibson and Charlene Teglia. Rachel, because she’s the first published author I ever met (I met her right after she’d sold her first book), and I realized that published authors are just normal people (I was still a bit awestruck by her though). 🙂 And Charlie because she and I started out writing around the same time. She sold to a small digital press back when nobody had even heard of such a thing, and she just kept going and going and going, like the little engine that could. And look at her now. So cool. If I could be half as prolific and successful as either of them, I’d be ecstatic.


Q: It caught my eye that you are Zumba teacher. This was just offered as a fitness class through my place of employment, but I’ve never heard of it! Someone said it’s like dance- how can you explain it?

Zumba is awesome. It’s like a big, aerobic dance party with lots of Latin moves. You don’t have to be a dancer to do Zumba (I’m SO not a dancer and I teach it). If you take a class, know you’ll feel like a complete spaz and a dork the first couple of times, but stick with it. You’ll love it. My sister lost 25 lbs just from doing Zumba several times week.


Q: Besides writing and working out, what are some other ways you entertain yourself?

Honestly, I don’t have a lot of time for entertainment. Between my day job as fitness instructor and personal trainer, and my other job as writer, I’m a mom and a wife. Not much time for anything else. I do try to schedule a couple of girls’ weekends each year with my sisters and another with my friends.


Q: You have been married for 22 years! What is a piece of romantic advice you can offer?

Marry your best friend and everything else will fall into place.


Q: And what piece of professional advice can you offer to aspiring writers?

Write what you love to read, even if it’s not hot in the market right now. And don’t ever, EVER give up.


Q: Where is or do you think would be your favorite place to travel?

I’d love to see all of the United States someday. I’ve seen the East coast and the West coast, but really nothing in between. By the end of my life, I want to have visited each of the 50 states at least once.

 Click Here to Visit Rebecca’s Website!


  1. April 22, 2010 / 1:25 am

    Thanks for having me, Samantha. I appreciate it.


  2. April 22, 2010 / 2:01 am

    Great interview! You sound like a busy lady.

  3. April 22, 2010 / 2:59 pm

    Hi Jannine–I’m no busier than anyone else, but I probably seem that way because I’m so unorganized. 🙂

  4. April 24, 2010 / 11:30 pm

    Great interview! Congrats on your release, Rebecca! And all the great reviews.