Jackpot by Jackie Pilossoph

Siblings Jamie and Danny Jacobson are not looking for love. Jamie has been burned by a cheating ex-husband, and has lost faith in the meaning of love and faithfulness. Danny is an aspiring actor who also works as a teacher, and is better at one night stands than any real relationships. But brother and sister get the shock of their life when their slightly overbearing Jewish mother, Frankie, wins the lottery. Frankie, who lost her husband when the children were both young, has wanted to be fulfilled by grandchildren for years. After her lottery winnings flow in, she devises a plan to get those grandchildren- a promise of $8 million dollars that Jamie and Danny can collect if they produce a child. The siblings are shocked- until the scent of money starts to become intoxicating. Jamie decides to use her co-worker, Drew, who has always crushed on her, to help her become pregnant. But along the way, Jamie thinks she could actually be falling in love with him- but doesn’t know how to confess the real reason she finally gave him a chance. And Danny falls head over heels with Courtney, a business owner who cares more about his teaching than acting career, but is crushed when she reveals she cannot have children. Both Jamie and Danny need to decide, do they pick love- or the cash prize?

Jackpot! is the  second novel from Jackie Pilossoph, who once again will not disappoint. The story is written in alternating point of views, between the brother and sister. Pilossoph once again shows off her ability to get into a man’s head and write effectively from the male perspective. Both Jamie and Danny could seem selfish, but with snappy dialogue, loveable personality traits, and a soft spot for families, the two main characters will become your friends throughout the story. I enjoyed that not only was this novel light and funny, but there was a serious note underneath it all. What would you pick if you had to make the choice- love or money? Many of us would say love in a heartbeat, but the characters go through very real struggles along the way to make their decisions. I thought the entire novel had a very real feel to it, and I liked watching how it would all come together. Add in a heart clenching plot twist with Frankie, and plenty of scenes that will leave you laughing out loud, Jackie Pilossoph definitely hits the Jackpot! with her sophomore novel.


[Rating: 4]

1 Comment

  1. August 31, 2011 / 4:53 am

    I have already read this one, the story was entertaining, engaging, moving and a great read!! Characters were well thought out and truly fun to hang out with as they attempt to secure their own personal Jackpot. I loved this author’s first book, (Hook, Line & Sink Him), and it looks like she’s hit the jackpot again!