Know Your Birth Control

birth controlBirth control is becoming increasingly popular for women these days, and not just to help prevent pregnancy. Birth control can help decrease cramps and PMS symptoms, help clear skin, even help decrease hair on the body! Women’s Health Magazine had an online quiz to take about knowledge on this oral contraceptive, and even though I’ve been on the pill myself for a number of years, I scored “contraceptive confused.”  

For instance, I wasn’t aware that having the flu or other stomach alignment can lower the effectiveness of the Pill. Because the contraceptive is digested through the stomach, if you are experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, it may not be digested properly. It is recommended that you use a back up form of birth control combined with the Pill while you are sick.

Were you confused at all when you read taking the Pill can help decrease body hair? I was! Body hair is produced because we have testosterone, but taking birth control lowers the female testosterone produced, ultimately decreasing the amount of hair- and shaving time!

The quiz at Women’s Health Magazine gives some really good information about birth control and other forms of protection, and I would really recommend checking out that full article. Being knowledgeable is the best form of power and protection.