Mix Up Your Workout

lens6639232_1251306676Exercise_Routines_for_Women_IntroWhen I got serious about fitness and working out, I bought a handful of Pilate’s videos and designed a gym workout that focused on cardio. It was great- for about a month. The moves that had once made me sweat were no longer having that effect. I could breeze through my routines no problem. I realized that doing the same moves over and over was causing my muscles to become familiar, no longer pushing me to work hard in order to complete my workout.

This is a common problem many people run into. You need to constantly be changing your routine in order to be really be challenging yourself and getting into shape. I still have my workout videos that I go to, but I discovered renting videos is a great idea to keep your workout fresh. My local library allows people to rent out DVD’s, including fitness ones, for up to two weeks. I take advantage of this, being able to get videos that focus on Pilates, yoga, even fun routines like hip hop and belly dancing. The best part- it is free! There is no charge for a library card or to rent items. Another place to look would be video stores, where you can also rent fitness DVD’s for a small fee. Renting out DVD’s allows you to get the best workout because your body is being pushed to complete new moves on a regular basis.

Another personal favorite of mine is getting workouts from Shape Magazine. Both the magazine and Shape.com offers a variety of new routines each month. Some are to be completed in the gym with weights or a machine, and some can be completed at home with just your body. I love being able to get new workouts when I feel  I am no longer being challenged, and Shape always provides clear directions and pictures on how to complete each move.

So if you work out, make sure to be switching up your routines when you feel your body getting comfortable. Push yourself to get the best workout. Find ways that work for you, whether it is renting out DVD’s or finding magazines or websites to come up with routines for you. Best of luck!