A New Favorite: Cuties

cutiesRecently, my husband and I have become addicted to cuties. When he first mentioned buying them, I asked, “What in the hay is a cutie?” I was hoping for chocolate or a new type of ice cream. Turns out, it’s an orange. Or a Clementine. Well, it’s a round fruit that’s orange in color and is citrusy. Got it? Yeah, I didn’t either.  As someone who doesn’t like oranges, I turned my nose up at the thought of eating one. Because that’s what a cutie is, right? My husband persuaded me to give it shot, saying it’s not an orange, really, but something similar, and people who don’t like oranges are said to like cuties. So I agreed to give it a shot, and I’m happy to report I honestly like them. Love them actually. Sometimes I eat four a day, and I don’t feel guilty about it. It’s a fruit, it’s packed with Vitamin C, and it’s free of cholesterol, sodium, and trans fat. And that makes me one happy girl. The cuties are easy to peel, they’re small and a perfect snack size, and good for you – really, winners all around. My husband and I always look for the bags that have smaller cuties in them, because we think the smaller ones are easier to peel and simply taste better. These last for a long time in our fridge, and we always have them in stock. So if you’re looking good for a good-for-you snack, check out the cuties. You’ll love this mini-orange….this Clementine…this is fruit. Whatever it is, I’m just happy to eat it!

cutie facts


  1. December 26, 2013 / 1:53 pm

    I’m not a lover citrus either. What makes them so delicious?

  2. Samantha
    December 26, 2013 / 4:04 pm

    I like that they aren’t as tough as oranges tend to be. The texture is better in my opinion!

  3. December 27, 2013 / 9:59 am

    I didn’t realize they were called cuties! I love them… Lucky for me one of the guys in my office is obsessed with them and he keeps bringing them in and giving to a bunch of us….

  4. Samantha
    December 27, 2013 / 4:06 pm

    Nice Hilary! We always have some in our fridge 🙂