Offbeat Love Stories and More by Jennifer Lafferty is a unique and original collection of short stories, often times centered around love and friendship. The plot of each story is unique in its own way; there is no common theme or characters to string them together, but they are fun nonetheless. Also, the characters are believable and real, struggling with the same types of issues that most people do throughout life. My favorite tale by far was “The Prom Date,” which is a cute tale about young people coming to age and trying to figure it all out.
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading Offbeat Love Stories and More, but I am glad that I gave it a shot. I am so used to having short stories weave together and eventually incorporate the same few characters or a common storyline, but Lafferty has done something very unique here with hers. I also really enjoyed that each of the stories are told from a completely different point of view (whether it be age, gender, race, etc). Overall, I would recommend this to anyone looking for a collection of short stories that are fresh and original.
[Rating: 4/5]