Jennifer Ammoscato will be on tour May 25-June 1 with her novel Dear Internet: It’s Me, Avery
Author Bio:
Author Jennifer Ammoscato – solving the world’s problems one cosmo at a time.
Jennifer Ammoscato is a paid, productive member of society. Frankly, it’s not enough.
Therefore, May 2015 will see the launch of her debut novel, “Dear Internet: It’s Me, Avery” (The
“Avery Fowler 2.0” series, Book I).
During the day, she is an intrepid writer/editor for the public relations department of a
Canadian university. By night, she fights crime and the urge to organize closets and stuff herself
with salted chocolate caramels.
Jennifer began writing as a child, producing such classics as “The Occurrence” (she understood
the appeal of werewolves long before Stephenie Meyer). She had to search for the courage to
write a novel, though. “That’s so F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. I didn’t know if I
had the alcohol capacity for it.” However, after being goaded (sorry, encouraged) by a friend, she
took the leap.
Dreams do not inspire Jennifer’s books. In fact, they tend to terrify her. In particular, the everpopular
naked-at-school or I-have-a-final-exam-and-didn’t-study dreams. She usually just makes
stuff up.
She is married to her husband, Ezio. As opposed to someone else’s husband (insert name here).
She is the proud mom of two very tall sons, Dante and Christian.

This sounds like a fun book.